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  • Are we allowed thread for Judaism/Israeli Gvmnt/USA/Anti-Semitism? (Soz mods)
  • bodgy
    Free Member

    Genuine question, without starting the suggested thread.

    Are we allowed to discuss the issues surrounding Judaism, the Israeli State and it’s place in international politics, anti-semitism, American interventionism, Judaic liberalism etc.

    Or, is even discussing it so litigously verboten that the conversation is closed down before it has begun?

    I’m aiming this question at the moderators, because obviously the subject is ‘hot’.



    Free Member

    Why wouldn’t you be allowed to discuss it ?

    Free Member

    Who is going to lob in the first hand grenade then stand back and admire their work?

    Full Member


    Full Member

    What do you want to actually discuss?

    Free Member

    Why wouldn’t you be allowed to discuss it ?

    The reason i’m asking is because recently any questioning of the Israeli state has been twisted by the powers that be as being anti-Semitic. Legislation has been passed that equate criticism of the Israeli gvmnt as being ‘anti-Semitic’.

    Hence, I ask.

    Full Member

    What legislation was that?

    Full Member

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    Genuine question, without starting the suggested thread.


    It would seem that the thread has started anyway.

    Full Member

    What’s applicable at the moment is surely the unholy alliance of far right Zionist nut-jobs and Christian fundamentalist headbangers, and their belief that trump will help bring about their favourite fairy tales?

    Is that what you wanted to discuss

    Free Member

    Legislation has been passed that equate criticism of the Israeli gvmnt as being ‘anti-Semitic’.

    Has it ?

    Where ?

    Free Member

    What do you want to actually discuss?

    The inter-relationship between Judaism, the Israeli State, American foreign policy, current affairs and the nature of dialogue being closed down for being ‘Anti-Semetic’,

    I think I was fairly unambiguous about that.

    Full Member

    Must admit I find it strange that the Israeli government seems to be able to do as it pleases without any recriminations. Also that they seem to have so much sway over the USA. What do I know though?

    Free Member

    I’ve put the BBQ on, not sure if I’ve got enough sausages..

    Free Member

    Just thought i’d ask, as it is possible that such a discussion could place the owners/mods in a difficult place.

    Full Member

    Why don’t you start with your position/proposition  and we’ll go from there?

    Free Member

    >going to step aside from thread for a bit as I have to cook supper<

    will check back in. x

    Free Member

    @nickc – I suggest that “the Israeli gvmnt/state has a ridiculously overblown sense of it’s own importance, owing to it’s high-finance connections to the USA and international arms trade”.

    Hows that for a starter?

    Or does that get the thread/debate closed for being anti Semitic?

    edit: I still have to cook supper. Back in a bit.

    Full Member

    I’ve only one real concern. What the hell have you been smoking?

    Full Member

    WTF did you cook for your supper in three minutes?

    Full Member

    Why wouldn’t you be allowed to discuss it ?


    This appears to be a question about STW moderation rather than a discussion about what you, seemingly, want to discuss.  STW generally and I personally has always been against censorship, despite unsubstantiated wails to the contrary from certain quarters.  Fill your boots, what points would you like to make, caller?

    (If you’re intending promoting hate speech then that’s a different issue, there’s laws against that.)

    Free Member

    I reckon you can discuss what you like on here.

    (As long as you don’t upset/offend anyone)

    So I wouldn’t bother.

    Full Member

    (besides which, if you’re going to make anti-Semitic posts, this thread will be rapidly self-policing I expect.)

    Free Member

    I’ve only one real concern. What the hell have you been smoking?

    Obvious joke is obvious.

    Full Member

    I’m still waiting to hear about this legislation.

    Full Member

    Thread seems a bit pointless but gives me a chance to remind folk that Jonathan Arkush, british jewry’s most senior figurehead/spokesman, is on the record that for jews to criticise israel is antisemitic, never mind anyone else. Oh and that they’re trying to fudge their election process so that he can stay in power for another year without challenge. So that’s all good fun.

    Meanwhile everyday racism is treated less seriously- a muslim centre gets torched and it’s barely news, someone says Hitler in the wrong tone of voice and we’re talking about it years later.

    There’s constant attempts to have criticism of Israel officially named as antisemitic but I don’t believe it’s actually in legislation? There was a strong attempt to get that as the Labour party’s official definition recently which fortunately was defeated

    Free Member

    Apologies, phone battery died.

    Cougar – i am genuinely NOT having a pop at STW mods. Which is why I phrased my original post carefully.

    The nature of discussion getting ‘closed down’ was part of my initial question, was it not?

    Full Member

    I want to know what the OP has against the full spelling of ‘government’.

    Free Member

    How’s that supper coming along.  Hope you managed to avoid any anti-semitic incidents while preparing it.

    Free Member

    Oh for **** sake.

    Sausage, mash and peas.

    Yes; they are pork sausages.

    No; that is not an agenda indicator.

    No; it’s not cooked yet. In the interim I peeled the spuds.


    Full Member

    Apologies, phone battery died.

    Were you using it to cook your dinner?*

    * It’s nowhere near suppertime yet.

    Free Member

    Re. Full spelling of ‘government’?


    Free Member

    * It’s nowhere near suppertime yet.

    That would depend upon when you have to get up.

    Free Member

    This thread has flung up a more interesting question. What is supper to you?

    To me it’s a light, snack type meal eaten just before going to bed. A couple slices of toast for example.

    Full Member

    “Sausage mash and peas”


    No I don’t eat meat, but this legislation you spoke about….where is it?

    Full Member

    What is supper to you?

    To me it’s a light, snack type meal eaten just before going to bed.

    I’m Northern too.

    Full Member

    Actually, thinking about it, this is already descending into drivel so I’m going to close it.  Go start the discussion you want to talk about.

    Free Member

    In after the lock.

    Full Member

    I’ve never really understood it all.

    What was done to the Jews in ww2 (and throughout history) was horrific.

    However, What I’ve never fully got my head around is why they were given a promised land based on their religion, and the subsequent fallout from that.

    For example, when US slavery ended, why didn’t the slaves and their descendants have a piece of land carved out for them.

    Because the Jews had a backstory that promised it to them?

    Full Member

    Full Member

    You wrote ‘gvmnt’ in the title! And a bit further down…just wondering really. Like you I guess.

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