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  • Ardrock 2022
  • richardkennerley
    Full Member

    Anyone else at Ardrock this year? Have you had your start time and event info email through yet? I don’t think I’ve had owt. Just sent the m and email.

    All feels a bit low key this year, like there’s not much build up on social media (Instagram at least.)

    Anyway, looking forward to it (on my new Jeht!) Riding the Sport on Sunday 👌

    Full Member

    I’ve had my info from them, Sport too, tried loads of times to get in, finally made it this year.

    Full Member

    I’m off. I’ve had my (Friday) start time.

    Full Member

    Hmmm… Well I’ve emailed the info address and gigantic. Hopefully get a response soon!

    Full Member

    Click your event and type your name in here

    EDIT you’re on at 1055 👍👍

    Full Member

    Haha, cheers @scuttler, relieved I’m there, bit gutted it’s such a late start time though! Relaxed morning, but be busy out at the stage starts by that time I reckon. The years I’ve started earlier have always been a bit smoother going.

    More time for coffee before setting off, but I’m driving home after the ride so probably won’t be back till 8:30 or so! Long day.

    Full Member

    I’ll be there on Sunday, not riding though, just having a rummage round, seeing what shiny things there are. Might be hanging around the Bespoked stand for a bit too 😊

    Full Member

    Second year of the epic on the Friday for me.
    Few of us doing it this year so I’m not on my own this time!
    Looking forward to it, hopefully the weather won’t be as minging this year. It got pretty spicy at times on stages 1&2 last year

    Full Member

    Yep I’m in on the Sunday too, start time 10.40 so just before you OP it looks like. I’ll also be on a Jeht so hoping we made the right choice! Would have preferred an earlier start time too but looking forward to riding!

    Full Member

    I start at 10:20 on saturday morning for the ‘main event’.

    Not done it before, so looking forward to a day out.

    Hoping like Tom there will be shiny things to touch and feel.

    Full Member

    I’m riding the Saturday. Bought a bike off a lad and he’s injured so he threw the entry in with the bike. Last minute entry means I’m away in the last wave so expecting lots of traffic.

    I’ve done it a couple of times before so don’t think I’ll bother with practice. Save the day of annual leave for a day riding elsewhere.

    Full Member

    I’m in on the Sunday, had a few years off but looking forward to another good weekend.

    Full Member

    Sunday Sport for me – ties in with the GF doing the shorter race on the same day.

    What tyres….

    Last year I was unprepared and had the limited choice of a well worn DD aggressor or a full tread minion EXO.
    Weather led me to choose the minion. 2 punctures.

    Schwable SuperGravity for me now. Twin Mary or Mary and RockRazor?

    Full Member

    Me and a Matey will be heading up from Sussex on Thursday, and racing the main event on Sat..
    Happy with the 0830ish start time… a few places behind Tracey Mosely!


    EDIT – 8am start time!!!!

    Full Member

    10.05 start time for me, my mates starting at 10.35, does anyone know if I can just start later or just pedal slowly and wait for him to catch up on the way to the 1st timed stage?

    Full Member

    You could ride out the start gate, stop immediately and wait!

    Last year I was unprepared

    Me too, I had a semi slick on the back, rode the practice loop on the Saturday and shit myself! Went immediately to the schwalbe tent and got a big Betty fitted!

    Had a wtb verdict on my new bike, but got a rear puncture I’m yet to successfully repair, so just put a new Hans dampf on yesterday. Trail boss on the front.

    Free Member

    had planned to miss the year, but got a ticket, 8am start sunday morning.
    going up saturday, rather than the full weekend.
    carrying a dodgy shoulder, so decided no pressure, just try and enjoy the ride whilst dosing up.

    be interested to see the new stage, looks to be off fremlington edge again, does that mean +1 to make it 8 stages ..

    i rode an exo minion SS in 2018 (very dry) worked well and survived till i propped it up outside dales bike centre and tyre popped and gunk went everywhere ;0)

    will stick to assegai/dhr again.

    ps. arent start times provisional, always best to checkin 20-30 mins early and setoff :0)

    Full Member

    Double DHR DD for me, Maxxgrip up front. I can look at an Exo+ and it craps itself!

    Full Member

    If I’m just coming for the day, what’s parking like? When does everything start to open?

    Full Member

    im there all weekend (riding sunday) so far out of fitness its unreal so just hoping to make it half way round.

    looking forward to a few bevvies and not buying a new bike !!!

    Free Member

    I’m doing the Sport 8.20 Sunday, first timer and just realised there is no practice for sport riders. Have done ArdMoors a couple of times and enjoyed the practice so I guess I will find out how I race blind.

    Full Member

    Is there another stage!?

    Free Member

    Well I was going, but all of my riding buddies have pulled out so I’m sitting with a full enduro ticket and no motivation to drive up on my own and ride on my own.

    Anyone need an entry?

    Full Member

    @tomhoward there’s parking on a few fields next to the event village. I’ve issued there once before on the Sunday and it was fine, not sure what it would be like arriving on the Saturday.

    All the opening times here

    Free Member

    @ RK another stage was shown on an instagram clip last week, so presumed so.

    Full Member

    The website still says 7 stages

    Free Member

    If I’m just coming for the day, what’s parking like? When does everything start to open?

    I’ve not done it before so this might well be the same as in past years, but the email says its £10 to park if you haven’t entered the race

    Full Member

    Oh yeah, I’ve got a ticket 😊

    Full Member

    Bit of a long shot but does anyone have spare tickets for the Sunday sport? I’m after 2 tickets if poss.

    Full Member

    I have one but the transfer window has closed, unless someone knows of another way of doing it?

    Full Member

    8:30 Sunday start for me. Fingers crossed the weather holds out as last year was a war o attrition especially stage 2

    Free Member

    I’m doing this for the first time. Chose to enter the sport as I was originally away for work and wouldn’t have been able to make the practice on Friday, but that’s now changed.

    Racing blind will be entertaining. I’m off at 7.45 on Sunday, which is heinously early to start a race 🤮

    Full Member

    @Jordan not sure actually, are you actually at the event with a spare? If so you could sign me in and I’ll get the number from you. If you’re not there, suppose it’s a case of taking a chance.

    Free Member

    Not riding this year, but will be on camera duty again. Haven’t decided where I’ll base myself this year, but will be shooting Friday – Sunday so will probably mix it up. Ground is running nice and fast. Quite dusty even after the little bit of rain that we have had.

    Here are some of my shots from last year Unsponsored Media – Ard Rock 2021

    Full Member

    @dan30237 do you mean ride in my name? I thought you would want to see your name in the results. The rider lists and start times were published a few weeks ago hence the stop on transfers. I did read someone saying that you could do a transfer on the day for a tenner but no idea if that’s true. I will be there on friday morning and spectating on the course on saturday but wasn’t planning on being there sunday but I maybe could be. To be honest I am not too worried about selling it as I took out ticket protection and can claim for it as injured.

    Full Member

    @Jordan yeah thats what I was thinking, a friend has done that before. I don’t care about my name being there, I’m not quick enough for that to matter! Just keen to ride with my pals. I’ll be there from the Friday anyway, so I could meet you somewhere and we could see if there’s an on the day option? If not, I’m happy to ride on your name if you’re comfortable with that?

    Full Member

    message sent @dan30237

    Full Member


    Haven’t decided where I’ll base myself this year,

    Was thinking about this the other day, how do all the photographer’s divvy up the various spots? I was thinking some spots just be way more lucrative than others? Like the jumps through the walls etc’.

    Full Member

    I was due to be doing it, Friday 1055, but smashed myself up this week so won’t be going. Will try and get the ticket refunded, in case anyone’s on the waiting list.

    Full Member

    how do all the photographer’s divvy up the various spots?

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