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  • Architects in the house: LCD Privacy glass that switches black?
  • 0303062650
    Free Member

    Dear STW Architects,

    We’re trying to find some info on LCD Privacy glass that turns black as opposed to the usual white/opaque, and wondered if any of the architect types on here had any further details?

    mucho appreciated if so!!

    Free Member

    may not suit but our co uses these darkening privacy filters for laptops


    Free Member

    actually i think you mean glass for the outside of a building. d’oh.

    Free Member

    Thanks for the reply, yep – its for either external windows or interior glass walling, not yet decided as the plan’s are still at design stage.

    might have to explore using internal (as in, internal the the glazing) blinds as I can’t find much other than opaque…


    Free Member

    no actual useful advice to give but…

    four posts in and no one has mentioned Zaphod Beeblebrox’s Joo Janta peril-sensitive sunglasses?!

    Free Member

    I didn’t imagine it would be this difficult to sort something out that would effectivley give us a window blackout (or near to) … the money is there to make it happen too…


    Free Member

    Sorry to barge in but I’ve got a question for the resident STW architects as well.

    Someone has told me about “block shelves” made either of perspex or glass that can be inserted through holes in partition walls to allow natural light to filter through. Apparently they were on Grand Designs (or a similar programme) a couple of months back.

    Despite endless googling / binging, I can’t find any such products. Can anyone point me in the right direction?

    Free Member
    Free Member

    I’ve never specified the stuff but think it is called switchable glass.

    A quick google gave me this

    Free Member

    It doesn’t bode well that all the examples on that page are fake 🙂

    Free Member

    Not quite DavidRussell but thanks anyway. I’m looking for something shelf like that can be poked through the wall and stick out a reasonable length either side.

    Free Member

    Drop me an e-mail at sec @ ctg . co . uk and on Monday I’ll get the manufacturer details for the privacy glass we’ve used. Our instals are not black but you can speak to the guys who make it to see if black is possible.

    You may think you’ve got the money ready, but double it, add 20% and still be prepared for an arse raping.

    As for the glass shelves? not seen them but check on Grand Designs web page. From your description they sound like they’re receipe for disaster and would never comply with current Building Regs.

    Full Member

    Its called “Pirvalite” and its made by Saint Gobain Glass IIRC.

    You need to speak to their tech dept for the full info.

    Free Member

    ‘Pervalot’ glass?? 😯

    Free Member

    It appears to use 5W electricity per metre squared, which seems a bit wasteful. So it’s like a replacement for curtains, but very expensive and you have to waste power to use it.


    Free Member

    I understand that it only uses power to put it into clear mode, so its naturally opaque?

    I spoke with a local glass company today, talking about low iron(?) glass which can be treated to give us some interesting effect, and then coated with this ‘electrochromatic'(?) coating…. have a meeting on Wednesday next week with them, so we shall see!

    mk1fan – i’ll drop you an email, thank’s, most appreciated!

    It’s been quite an interesting little project for me, not something i’d normally get involved in, but maybe we can tie it all in to some interesting home automation stuff?!?!?!

    lowey: thanks again bud, i’ve sent that link into the office for monday 😉

    jt 😉

    Full Member

    Yes, better naturally opaque than all your windows going clear at the moment of a power cut. 😛

    Full Member

    There was one of the Grand Designs projects that had some interesting glass with a coating that actually generates electricity from sunlight falling on it. Perhaps combining that with the polarizing system somehow would balance out the power drain.

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