Am I too 'unco...

[Closed] Am I too 'unconventional' to work in an office??

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Bit of a double hitter here!

The last two places I've worked at and are working at at the moment have been offices for large companies. (Not physically that big offices though).

I've also been the sole designer working in office environments of office workers. Now I don't mind wearing 'not jeans and a t-shirt' to work, but find it a bit tiring that they expect me to dress etc as people whose jobs it is to wear a shirt and tie and deal with clients etc. So what if I wear smart trainer shoes instead of shoes! Does that mean I don't work as well if I don't adhere to a dress code developed for someone's else's role!

The other issue that these places have is that someone would go against the grain and 'gasp' cycle to work and wear cycle clothing to ride a bike and then walk into the office in it and expect to have some where to put all this clothing when they change!

Anyone else feel the same way? Should I find a job where people aren't so stuffy? Will I die?

Posted : 18/01/2013 12:51 pm

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