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  • AirFrance plane crash – why no mention of terrorism?
  • geoffj
    Full Member

    Surely it could have been a bomb? No mention / speculation of it.
    Am I missing something?

    Free Member

    The fact that the only evidence the have (automated “the leccy has gone message” + big storm) doesn’t point to it?
    Quite refreshing that everyone hasn’t gone “aaaaarrrggghhhh! Terrorists!” for a change.

    Full Member

    May be it was Zeus and they are to afraid to attack him?

    Free Member

    They did say early on that it wasnt a terrorist attack.
    Which as Tracker say is quite nice, usualy whenever somthing happens, be it a bin beeing blown down the street by the wind or a tanker truck catching fire, is to say “we cannot rule out a terrorist attack”.

    Free Member

    It could have been abducted by aliens too :)
    I suspect a combintation of –
    Such speculation is pointless.
    No terrorist organisation has claimed responsibilty.
    The maintainance messages sent by the onboard computers were not indicative of a bomb.

    Of course all the points i’ve just made are also speculation :)

    Free Member

    because terrorism is old hat, we are pulling out of warzones in the east and letting Iran take the heat. no need to push terrorism in the press as we are no longer justifying illegal occupation of a contry in it’s name. it’s all about corrupt politics for the summer ’09 media bandwagon scene.

    Free Member

    i think it could be global warming causing the bermuda triangle to shift its location.

    Free Member

    MrWright terrorism is far from old hat..We are hardly pulling out of warzones in the East – 22 SAS have just deployed to Afghanistan en masse joining elements of the SBS already there. Total numbers deployed are something in the region of 8000 troops. Terrorism hasnt gone away – we ahve just got better at combating it.

    As for the AF flight – it sounds like a catastrophic system wide failure combined with extreme air turbulence. A very unfortunate accident..

    Full Member

    mrmichaelwright, you old cynic you…. :wink:

    joining elements of the SBS already there

    Bless, they must be lost, Afghanistan is land locked.

    Free Member

    I’d blame Somalian air pirates.

    Free Member

    It’s Oceanic Airlines 815 all over again.

    Free Member

    Mikkel – Member

    i think it could be global warming causing the bermuda triangle to shift its location.

    Where to? Westminster? That would explain all the missing Public Funds :wink:

    Full Member

    No-one knows exactly what was in the message. It could have said something as simple as “power has been lost to…bulb in bog”, etc, etc.

    If all power had been lost to the point at which they could not communicate, the auto message service would also have been disabled

    It must have been something pretty serious/sudden to disable ALL electrical power on an aircraft preventing even comms to the ground.

    Engines, APU and RAT all produce power for control and communications. Even junction and delivery terminals are at least double redundant…

    Free Member

    guys lets be slightly more sensitive here.People are lost ,to be honest no-one know where they are,there may even have been life lost.
    So aside from the fact it mildly amusing to plot or synthesise idea tone it down abit,unless it was hit by a strike o’lightning (then you can sing oasis all day long.)

    Full Member

    Won’t somebody please think of the passengers.

    FFS! Get that broom out of your arse bruce.

    Free Member

    Pretty sh*te engineering message if it doesn’t identify the component at fault.

    Full Member

    Bear in mind that VHF radios only have a limited range; given the strong thunderstorms around this is likely to be reduced even further. Besides, if all hell broke loose a May Day call is likely to be quite low on the list of priorities.

    It is easier and considerably less annoying to others to avoid speculating on what happened until some indication is given.

    Free Member

    It never would have happened if they had kept the conveyor belt running.

    Free Member

    there may even have been life lost.

    You think so? Not sure I agree – I reckon they’ll all be found safe and well living on a desert island.

    Free Member

    Bear in mind that VHF radios only have a limited range

    Fortunately they have means of communication other than VHF radio.

    Full Member

    I’ll point the AAIB in the direction of this thread, it’ll save them scouring half the South Atlantic for the wreckage cos all the answers are obviously right here on this thread courtesy of all the armchair experts…

    Full Member

    Whatever has happened, there has been a terrible loss of life.
    It just seems odd that there has not even been a hint of a suspicion that it could have been an attack of some sort.
    Most of the reports I’ve seen have majored on the fact that modern planes are designed to cope with lightning strikes, and severe thunder storms and not what may have caused this plane to go down.
    Whatever it was, let’s hope it was quick and they new little about it.

    Full Member

    Fortunately they have means of communication other than VHF radio.

    None of them are reliable near heavy thunderstorms.

    Free Member

    I’ll point the AAIB in the direction of this thread, it’ll save them scouring half the South Atlantic for the wreckage cos all the answers are obviously right here on this thread courtesy of all the armchair experts…

    Since when have we only been allowed to post on here if we’re experts on a subject and fully informed? You might have to sort the wheat from the chaff, but at least some people do have useful points to make.

    Or is this the standard one that we shouldn’t post at all about this because a relation of somebody on the plane might happen to stray onto this forum and get upset?

    Free Member

    If it were a terrorist group we’d know by now, they’d have publicised it.
    I suspect the data from the emergency broadcasts is what suggests otherwise.Assuming the cabin depressurised pretty rapidly I suspect most passengers were unconcious within a few seconds.

    Free Member

    If it had have been a flight to or from US / UK the terrorism hype would have been rife. Justifiably so or not? Dunno, just feel that’s the way it would have gone.

    Free Member

    for the OP, terrorism, IRA???? Surely?????

    Free Member

    The big difference is that George Bush is no longer spouting his pro terrorism rhetoric. The world is now a safer place without good old George.

    Free Member

    Afghanistan, why are we there again?

    Full Member

    Besides, if all hell broke loose a May Day call is likely to be quite low on the list of priorities.

    I’d say it’d be quite high on the list of priorities, tbh.

    Free Member

    I agree with michaelWright, the only time terrorists are blamed is when either some capital budget needs approving or the public are shouting a bit too loudly about trooops being where they shouldn’t be.

    It was almost a joke at one point the way the americans would report they had gone to high alert because oil tankers/bridges/airports were considered high risk due to some leaked information and it always coincided with a demand to the senate for more troops/guns/bombs. You’d invariably find the stories on the same page a lot of the time. Of course, the actual threat never happened. Any questions could be answered with ‘well that’s because we put more troops into oil rich countries’.

    Presumably Bush told Blair his masterplan and I remember Blair tried it once. Announce that something was about to happen, ask for more troops. It backfired IIRC.

    I tell you what, the amount of information being leaked out of these terrorists cells was immense, we were always hearing about information related to an escalated level of threat. These new fanatical muslim terrorists could learn a thing or two from the IRA, when they planted a bomb, no-one knew about it until the IRA told someone, or it went off.

    Free Member

    These new fanatical muslim terrorists could learn a thing or two from the IRA, when they planted a bomb, no-one knew about it until the IRA told someone, or it went off.

    thats the thing tho – we didnt know anything about the tube bombings, glasgow airport, Madrid etc. till they went and did it.

    Free Member

    Exactly! They don’t leak information, they don’t talk to people about it down the Mosque or in the newsagents. If it’s going to happen they’ll just do it and we’ll find out when the bomb goes off. Proof that the government just make this shit up to approve capital budget.

    Free Member

    last insight (from the 9h00 news on the radio)
    Lighting but unlikely), and partail freezing of the plane. Apparently, the speedometer could have frozen and hence, send some wrong signal to the on-board computer, that plus eventually some increase of the mass of the plane.
    They are sending two submarine from ifremer to try to recover the black box.

    Free Member

    I appreciate that it doesn’t often happen to quality first-world airliners, but planes crash quite a lot without any evil-doing being involved. :|

    Free Member

    *cant resist any longer*

    capital budget? tard!

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