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  • Air b n b
  • muddyjames
    Free Member

    I’m a 1st time air b n b user. Tried to book a place but rejected by the host as I’ve never used air b n b before.

    How does that work then?

    Full Member

    Seems odd. There is two way feedback on Airbnb, but that happens after a stay. Did the rejection specifically say that was the reason? I suppose if the host had a bad experience before they might choose only to let to guests with good feedback?

    Full Member

    In the early days of air B n b we got rejected because of the town we lived in.

    I don’t think you’d be rejected by all hosts, just the one you tried to book with. And to be honest, I’d rather not stay with someone who didn’t want me in their house.

    Full Member

    You’ve not loaded a profile picture of you doing the cresta run down the stairs with a Stella in one hand a spliff in the other have you?

    If your planned trip is very mellow and not a stag do and you are not the son of satan, you could just message and explain that you are new to the platform and very very boring to see if they’ll reconsider. Or get someone you know with a history of Airbnb use to book it for you.

    Free Member

    I can see why they might do it – but still felt a bit off, guilty until proven innocent.

    Was a whole house rental so not like there was a risk of nicking their left over cottage pie from the fridge when checking out.

    Free Member

    Message with some inane questions before booking? You can the slip in that your a middle aged man who likes to go to sleep at 5pm and your main hobby is cleaning carpets (or whatever).

    Free Member

    I think it’s just a host being careful. It’s like trying to sell something on EBay with zero feedback. The host needs a bit of reassurance that you’re not going to trash the place. Some do it through a few messages back and forth others on feedback.
    A lot of places on Air BnB nowadays will be instant book. Just pick another place which offer instant book. You should be able to filter your search for that.

    Full Member

    you could just message and explain that you are new to the platform and very very boring to see if they’ll reconsider.

    Tell them you’re allergic to wifi.

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