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  • A lonely day on the Qs(pics)
  • knottie8
    Free Member

    The Qs seemed a lonely place today after the group ride yesterday. Shane and I had a relaxed ride until he crashed. Comments ?

    click the pic for more pics

    Free Member

    nice pics m8 , got out for a few hours around woodbury , was nice

    Free Member

    hope he did not fall in your nice tidy garden and do the damage to his arm :D

    Free Member

    Qs still looking beautiful. Don’t be lonely, we’ll come back…. maybe not 54 of us at once though!
    Are you putting the pics from yesterday up or have I missed them.
    Please can someone put the weather on pause so it will be sunny forever.

    Full Member

    keep scrolling they are there.I left you a message as well. 8O

    Full Member

    Relaxed ride ? collarbone? tell me more.

    Free Member

    Thank you Mr Fart I kept scrolling and found them. Due mean the message about your encouragement? It could be dangerous when people’s “pedal!” sounds like “careful!”. It must be your quaint local accent :wink:

    Free Member

    Wished I could have been there but like anna said we’ll be back :lol:

    Full Member

    Mr Fart how polite !!!Quaint accent? Shucks you say the nicest things. :oops:

    Free Member

    “pedal!” sounding like “careful!”

    A case of selective hearing me thinks!!! :D

    Full Member

    PEDAL Mrs Banana PEDAL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!(Shortbread was gert lush BTW )

    Free Member

    its going to even more lonely now Sharkis out of action !

    Free Member

    Mr Fart it’s Miss Banana. Mrs Banana makes me sound old…
    I don’t think you realise how off putting it is to hear people shout “careful!!!”
    And knottie you could blu tac some photos of us all onto your handlebars when you go up into the Qs so you don’t get lonely. Full of good ideas me.

    Full Member

    Oops sounds like i’ve put my foot in it . :oops:Miss it is then , if you ever have the misfortune to meet me again i’ll try and keep my big mouth shut . :roll:

    Free Member

    So self-deprecating! You were fine when you kept your big mouth shut nearly all of the time :wink:

    Free Member

    go on do tell what did sharki, do bet it was at a slow pace and he goofed

    Speedy recovery though shane

    Free Member

    “And knottie you could blu tac some photos of us all onto your handlebars when you go up into the Qs so you don’t get lonely. Full of good ideas me.”

    Good idea Miss banana , alteratively you could riding more often . How long ago was it I bumped into you ?

    Free Member

    11-08-07 !

    riding up Weacombe indeed …..

    Free Member

    NOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I hate that photo!!!!
    Arrrrrrghhhhhhhhh. And I remember now, we were half way down the 303 when I realised I only had flip flops to cycle in, so I had to wear a pair of Rich’s trainers which were too big for me.
    Cringe. I haven’t worn that top since that bike ride. I’m 1.5 stone lighter now. Vanity forces me to point these things out.

    Full Member

    You seem to bring good weather with you . :D

    Free Member

    hows that

    Free Member

    bless you, old “complements, complements” fart.

    Free Member

    your photography has got so much better since we last met!

    Free Member

    I like that photo, because it provides photographic evidence that me and anna are the same height… Am looking at the calendar trying to work out when I can come back. Also thinking about setting up a STW Purbecks ride. Do the quantocks locals ride elsewhere? Bit scared though, as you lot have set the organisational bar pretty bloody high!

    Free Member

    Funny rich, cos I looked at that photo and thought (amongst other things) “oh look, I am only an inch taller…” I’m slouching. I’m further down “bl*ody weacombe” than you.

    Free Member

    Im open to non-local rides , will there be cake and gin ?

    Full Member

    purbecks ride the week after the BigBikeBash? i’ll be near Poole for the week following

    Free Member

    knottie, there is ALWAYS cake and gin :) Was thinking 1st weekend in May for the purbecks, because we haven’t ridden there yet this year and nettles make some bits painful/unrideable by summer.

    Full Member

    Sorry to interrupt but Knottie – I need your e-mail address! Mine is in my profile. Thank you!

    Free Member

    Free Member

    I’ve been meaning to ride the Purbecks for a while now so I’d be up for it & a load of us are riding the SDW in May so might combine the two.

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