Ok, I really shouldn't post this just before I leave work for the day, but I'll check it again in the morning and see if anyone has bothered to reply.
In short I have a friend in her mid 30's, slim, fairly attractive (no boils/warts etc) who is unable to find a nice decent bloke.
She has joined a few dating sites and had a couple of first dates, but has never had a second date and some didn't even stay through out the first date (throwing back a pint, excusing themselves for a bathroom break, and legging it)
She has a job, is financially stable, ok she does have the occasional odd moment, but c'mon we all do.
So come on there must be a nice guy somewhere near Reading who would be interested?????
And before you ask, no I'm not posting a picture, she hasn't really given her permission for me to ask on here
PS - mods, it's been a while so my apologies if I'm doing anything that breaks the rules. Please delete this thread if I am.