I think England by 5, but France to score first.
Danny Care looks increasingly like Baldrick to me, but nevertheless he needs to have a good game.
For me this hinges on how England play, which I suspect ultimately will revert to type. if 36 plays well and releases Burrell they’ll have there hands full as long as our new boys don’t get nervous, which might draw the defense. But I suspect the game plan is as per usual swapping Burrell into tuilagis role – tie them into the forwards and ask Burrell to crash through. Our issue is that we can’t do what the kiwi’s do and basic rugby instructions say – run support with the ball carrier in the backs. I’m pretty sure Lancaster will have spent the last two weeks drumming that out of the debutants.
And I say that on the basis that I’m not sure I’ve seen any imaginatively different plan from Lancaster.