Home Forums Bike Forum 11t cog replacement..

  • This topic has 11 replies, 5 voices, and was last updated 15 years ago by fbk.
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  • 11t cog replacement..
  • dr_adams
    Free Member

    I have a cassette that i have used with a new chain – yes i know lord strike me down.. but the cassette was really in good condition apart from the bottom cog. Went out other day and all was fine apart from the 11t, which slips every so often, now i know i shuold buy a new cassette but i would like to get some more wear out of this one, is there anywhere where you can get just the 11tooth cog to fit a shimano cassette? Would be grand given the prices of shimano now!

    Free Member

    Unless you’re a big gear masher then it’s unusual to wear out the 11T since it hardly gets used…

    Are you sire that it’s not that the mech limit screw is in too far, stopping the chain sitting properly on the sprocket?

    Free Member

    have checked it but will check again, tbh i normally leave it in 11 at back and shift the front gears around.

    Free Member

    tbh i normally leave it in 11 at back and shift the front gears around.

    Seriously? nah, you’ve got to be joking…

    Free Member

    If you do need an 11T sprocket then your LBS can order you an 11R 1100-1 at £7.99 RRP.

    Free Member

    Please tell me this is a joke!

    Free Member

    Ok…. now i feel like a muppet?
    If i’m riding on the level then i sit in middle ring at font and small cog at back? gives a good balance… i agree when i go off road i change more but generally i am riding along the road….. Please explain? do people not normally wear this cog out first?

    Free Member

    Nope because on the road I would be on the big ring at the front and changing across the sprockets at the rear.

    Free Member

    Sorry dr_adams, I honestly thought you were joking. If you ride in middle and 11 all the time the chain is permanently twisted. The same gear ratio is repeated elsewhere – I suggest going two or three gears easier at the back and into the big ring. The general aim is keep the chain more or less parallel with the bike all the time. Def never use small ring and 11! Same with the big ring – don’t stray to the fat end of the cassette and twist the chain the other way either – switch to middle ring before that happens. And so on.

    TBH is you keep the chain running nice and in-line you’ll very rarely use the 11t and you can prob go for ages without even needing it.

    Free Member

    thank you! I feel i have picked up such bad habits! I stay away from granny and 11 and large front and large back… Nevermind! Thanks…

    Free Member

    The good news of course is that you’ll almost certainly find a spare one if you advertise in the classifieds since most people never wear the 11 out on a cassette because it gets used so little..

    Free Member

    To be fair, whenever I’ve replaced a chain too late it’s always been the smaller cogs that it’s skipped on on the cassette. Yes they’re probably not used as much but there’s less teeth to take the load so they do tend to wear down quicker.

    In my humble and limited experience obviously 😉

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