A big rest seems to have sorted me out - my legs are still always sore but that reminds me of how they felt when I was racing loads with similar success fifteen years ago. I had to have the driver's seat of my car as far back as it would go despite being 5'9" because my legs had to be straight or they'd scream!
Some evidence of improvement today - a nice autumnal ride on some new to me singletrack that was really good fun away from home. It looks very Yorkshire. Managed to smash my way up the big steep 4km climb from the bottom of the valley back to the top which I couldn't have done a week ago.
Just 30 mins "Deep Stretch" Yoga with Kassandra. Yeah, need to be doing a lot more of that. Hamstrings appear to be about <--> long 😉 Done bog all else, so hoping this will put me back on track. Might run tomorrow but if I still feel tired, it'll be back to Kassandra's extensive back catalogue, and maybe a side order of upper/lower back pilates.
Today was the closest I've come to sacking it off. Tired for the last few days, then spent much of today helping to plan my dad's funeral (he died just over a week ago). Binged on chocolate and crisps and crashed out on the settee. My wife suggested I should go for a walk whilst she warmed up some apple pie and custard (my favourite).
So just about hauled myself out for a short, yet much needed, walk in the dark.
Back to healthy eating tomorrow!
20 min "Yoga for Runners" after 50 mins of hill sprints. Didn't feel amazing, but felt a lot better than I did on Wednesday. Hoping stretching is going to reduce jelly legs on all day ride tomorrow.
If not, early pub 🙂 Talking of which... best rehydrate with something cold and beer shaped from the fridge...
Didn't have much time today as flying to Rhodes in about half an hour and had to take the dog to my sister's (Leeds to Leicester). Decided I'd get a swim in first thing. Got to the pool just before 7:30am and then had to get out again after 19 minutes as they close for 15 minutes to move a rope or something!!....
Went home and took the dog for a walk.
I get really stressed on holiday leaving day so I've had an elevated heart rate all day although I've managed to keep the sweat levels down.
Another run. Bike tomorrow. Did a fat club weigh in on Thursday and saw a number I'd never seen before - in a bad way. Time to step things up! Off the juice and going calorie restricted. I'll be back in my mankini for Christmas.
I think I speak for all of us when I respectfully request you don't feel the need to share that image with the group 🙂
I'm back to 175lbs +/- 1lb on a weekly basis but no more coming off regardless of god knows how many hours of Z2/Z3 running. Garmin thinks I'm slacking! My new-ish withthing scales reckon I'm losing body fat and gaining muscle but those are hooky metrics not to be trusted. I'm waiting to see if the 4th rib appears 🙂
I got tired of doing the same couple of workouts on the trainer, so gave in and bought a sub to Tacx Premium. First night with that was a Medium on Wednesday and it hurt. I had to rest yesterday, but needed at least some time under my feet tonight, so did a short Easy loop. Having the films helps.
I’m still in the game but only just. I’ve been able to keep going but I’ve felt weak and washed out for a few days. The last three days I have had to count extended dog walks for my exercise but I’m hoping to get out for a ride tomorrow.
It’s frustrating because the weather has been amazing for the time of year and I haven’t been able to make the most of it, 19 degrees this afternoon on our dog walk!
Two days with no cardio, so weights and yoga. I've been feeling a bit tired for a week or more. Not exhausted, actually sleepy-tired. I'm hoping that's a reset and that I'm not just entering a state of hibernation 🙂
@willard I like Tacx as it feels more like just riding along IRL, but I can see that it's not for everyone.
Strength session and a short walk/jog today. MTB with the wife tomorrow.
Not exhausted, actually sleepy-tired.
That's how my whole family has been feeling.
40: I rode a mountain bike! Inners session introducing a new guy to off-pisting in the dark.
Followed by a pint of repeat offender at Durty Brewing.
introducing a new guy to off-pisting in the dark.
Hope he wasn't pist off.
Day 41: Swapped the bike for a walk with Mrs Reeksy round out local trails while the boys were doing their coaching sessions. Two hours fast pace. Hungry now!
Leaf raking. Then leaf moving. Then more leaf raking. Good job I had a foodbox in the fridge.
I’ve managed thirty miles, a mix of road and gravel but it took me almost an hour longer than usual. I’m just pleased I have been pedalling.
Leaf raking. Then leaf moving. Then more leaf raking.
Boy have I got a thread for you?
Went for an autumnal walk in Peebles and found a great rope swing.
Just shy of 1100m of climbing, 54km, fantastic weather and colours in the FoD. Conditions a bit more variable 😉 Felt a whole lot better but still full of cold/asthma so happy to get round. Even crashed on my dodgy elbow and it was nowhere near as painful as I expected!
Won't make my step count today. Have no issue with that, was a big day out on the bike.
The usual - park run today - gravel /MTB tomorrow - looks dry......
Never made it out on the bike, tomorrow 'appen like eh. Went to the gym instead.
[url= https://i.postimg.cc/902fm7q0/20241026-170040.jp g" target="_blank">https://i.postimg.cc/902fm7q0/20241026-170040.jp g"/> [/img][/url]
Yay! Made it out on the gravel bike today. 50km/750m with the club, taking in some of the Loch Laggan area.
We made it back to Wolftrax just before the rain hit and had time for a burger before setting off for home.
Lunch time skatepark yesterday
Then took the kids out on the skateboards today
Day 42: Hour gravelling with Reeksy1 and then a couple of hours coaching later this afternoon. All the gaps in between filled in with dismantling tree house and garden nursery in preparation for jump lines...
GMT not compatible with Dogs on BST 😉 So Charlie Follows Runners Yoga (one of my favs, mostly as it's only 20 mins), 20 mins weights and elbow rehab before what looks like a sunny hike in woods with now hyper mutts.
Not a bad start to whatever day we're on. Still not sure I'm doing the 10km run on the programme later tho...
Run yesterday morning that was a bit rubbish as I was knackered already..after only a few hours sleep and it's about 25 degrees here in Rhodes and I'm not used to running in the sun. Bloody lovely though.
Another 5k this morning the other way up there coast very nice.
Roxie out with her mum, sister and half brother. Trying to work out which dog is ours isn't always easy. I was tired just watching them running about. 4.5km for me about triple that in dog miles I reckon!
Family spin up and down the west side of windermere. Was meant to ride home from Sawrey but the weather was turning and am doing a roast for some visitors so knobbed it off.
[url= https://i.postimg.cc/jjN2jLwG/20241027-122927.jp g" target="_blank">https://i.postimg.cc/jjN2jLwG/20241027-122927.jp g"/> [/img][/url]
Went for an hour local MTB to clear a fuzzy beer head. Still love Autumn.
Too much time in the gym this week (hiding from the rubbish weather) but still on the 100 day wagon and today was a fine sunny one on the South Downs.
Not a great picture but close to where we scattered my dad's ashes last year, overlooking the village he lived in most of his life.
Missed a day on Friday, gutted, after a 'bad day'. GAD and depression can go eff themselves...
Anyway, despite a moderate panic attack, managed to get out with some of the cycle club gang on Saturday morning for a glorious mooch out on some new to me trails. Stunning morning, superb cheese scone. Autumnal colours are just amazing.
Quick tootle today just to get out and mobile.
Mrs S is just back from sunnier climes so we had a wee walk up to Ryvoan to help her re-acclimatise 😀
walk up to Ryvoan
Ah, Ryvoan...Always raises a smile here 🙂
Day 43: 43km gravel loop.
Going early Day 43 as dogs got me up. 30 Mins Yoga with Charlie Follows before 7am! Definitely feeling the benefit, but so far to go flexibility wise. Didn't do the run yesterday, just needed an easier day. Back on it later.
Had to fit things around visitors this weekend, so not the best but..
Day 40: played 30 mins of football with the U15s that I ‘help’ coach. Plus laying all the cones out/in, running after stray balls, shouting etc..
Day 41: pre-breakfast 5.5 k run and stretches. Then wondering around the streets of Bath.
Day 42: walk with dog on the tops for an hour or so. Later, prepping/testing my gravel bike in the evening (went for a spin of about 5 miles).
I’ll get out for a bike or run today.
Plan for today's exercise... a "Ramp Test" on the indoor trainer!
Never done one before, Although I did do a 20 minute FTP test a year ago. I'm curious as to what my VO2 Max, FTP and max HR might be as I'm hoping to be a little more structured in my riding this winter; I've previously just gone out and rode. I know that my maximum heart rate plummeted by almost 20 bpm after chemo, and it never came back. Well... only one way to find out!
I'll report back.