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  • 100 Day Challenge 2024 – Exercise every day til Christmas
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    Day 26 (day 4 of lurgy)

    I spent three hours digging a hole and planting a signpost this morning. The glacial till of Glen Feshie made for some bloody hard work. I’m calling it.

    Is that 750mm deep yet?


    Did you think these things grew on trees?


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    Good effort @scotroutes. Who doesn’t love a well erected sign :)

    Did the horrible run. It was, unsurprisingly, horrible. Then received message from WA group saying  the big ride is Sunday. My legs had a little cry of relief at that point!

    Full Member

    A beautiful afternoon for a bike ride, I can see these Poets day rides becoming a bit more commonplace between now and Christmas.

    A nice easy jaunt out to the Fens and some shopping on the way home.


    What chain lube for sluice?


    along the river


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    Just got in after another missed day, but took my parents to meet up with friends they’ve not seen in person since before Covid, and as they are all in their 80s, best do these things while they can!

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    Day 27: gruelling 2 hours of singletrack this morning. Strava is telling me I did good…or something.

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    Semi-fail yesterday: I was on broom-wagon duties for the first part of a local ultra, which was supposed to start at 23:30 – ideal to get in my 30min for Friday, then carry on into Saturday for a twofer. Due to local weather warnings for rain they put the start back to midnight, which meant I missed my Friday bit. Not my fault, so I’m just going to ignore the fail :)

    Anyway, finished about 10 and a half hours after we started, with some pretty torrential rain along the way. Just shy of 42km, and about 2500m+. Now having a well-earned beer!

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    Park run no 261.

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    Day 27: just a chilled walk up a local ski hill and back through the forest after work. Saw a pair of waxwings and a long-tailed tit.


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    Just back from a 55kms fast road ride. Unlike last week’s older crowd these young things didn’t even stop for coffee.

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    Signed wife & myself to morning yoga at our hotel in Amsterdam, mighty hangover had me sweating and queazy was over an hour long too

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    40 minutes on the turbo on MyWhoosh last night and 1250m in the pool today.

    Full Member

    Hour of Yoga always feels like about a days worth.

    Easy 5km run on the Dreadmill.  Muddy hike through the woods with the doggos. I would like to add mowing the pointless vast and damp lawn but that feels like a stretch :) Cleaned my MTB so it can get muddy again tomorrow. “Drying wind” I was thinking while lowering the grass, only to put the mower away as fat raindrops went all small arms fire on the shed roof.

    Free Member

    Family stuff and house work all day so just grabbed an hours walk over the fell with spectacular sunset

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    As expected, tricky getting anything of substance done on first day away, but we’re all tired so a stroll around Grasmere fitted the bill. (10k steps reached as a minimum measure for walking days).


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    I was at my daughters overnight and only got home this evening, so grabbed an hour on the turbo. Might squeeze in some yoga later.

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    Day #27 – turbo session on the Wattbike for 61 minutes at 177w indicated 30.6 km, need to work on my bike stamina, finding just an hour sodding hard work. 32 minutes of the dreaded physio exercises later and I’m done.

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    A very wet and muddy Glorious Gravel event at Cannock Chase…


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    Day 28 was a quick hour local gravel through the forestry with Reeksy1 after breakfast with his grand folks.


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    Hadrian’s Wall Half Marathon today. It was cold. It was muddy. No, not muddy. It was clarty. It was utterly beautiful. I’m utterly spent. I’d love there to be lots of stunning photos, but if I’d stopped to take a picture I’d not have finished! (laugh emoji)


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    Day 27: Another day of stretching and running about 6 k. My last outdoor run in Finland, I think.

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    Hats off to you @fazzini and @stanley

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    @fazzini – good job. I quite fancy that one for next year. I reckon half marathons are the ideal distance. Marathons just need too much training time!

    Day 6 (of the lurgy) but I was determined to get out on the bike, so took myself for a solo ride so that I could control the pace. Jeez though – Aviemore and surrounds are absolutely hoaching with mid-term holiday makers!

    A wee bit of snow over the past couple of days has picked out some of the nooks and crannies of the mountains too.

    Meall a’ Bhuachaille – just a dusting on the summit.


    On the high track to Loch Eainich – further than I was going to go today.


    The corries of Braeriach. As you can see, it’s not quite pogie weather yet.


    And that’s the cliffs of Sgor Gaoith on the right.


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    Day… 28 is it? Was at a Go Ape alike on Windermere followed by 2 hours running and bouncing on tree top nets. I was going to squeeze something in this evening but I’m pretty sure I’ll ache after today, so I’m counting it. More to the point, I’m already recovering.


    Full Member

    I quite fancy that one for next year.

    I’m not a natural runner. Only started running last year, and honestly, this is the first time, when asked afterwards if I enjoyed ‘that’, I could truthfully say yes.

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    Mildly full of asthma, but wanted to do a proper all day ride. Been nearly two months since I’d do a 50km+/1000m+ climb day due to elbow rehab, and a week with the uplift truck. Eased myself back in gently :) Blimey tired now. Also means my 10,000 steps per day record of 27 straight days is over. I’m 4000 short and there’s no way I’ve got that in my legs! See if I can beat that stretch before the challenge runs out.

    IMG_5940 (1)


    Full Member

    Great work, hats off to you both @stanley @fazzini .

    Day #28 – 2 mile pool swim in 66 minutes, ridiculously slow, not so much swimming as dawdling with good technique. Day 28 and I’m sure I’m getting slower.

    spent the afternoon digging out and removing a eucalyptus tree trunk. It was really hard work, so I’m including it.

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    Back on it today after a week of Covid – an hour’s walk round the local nature reserve at a pretty sedate pace, but still had me blowing out my hoop ever time the path gained any sort of elevation. Grand to be out on a fine frosty morning.


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    Spent ages cleaning the bike and kit after yesterday’s adventures. Can’t really count that as exercise, so did a yoga session with Adrienne. Much prefer doing yoga in a class, but handy when there are no classes on!

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    After a few days of yoga, nice 40 mile club ride this morning.

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    Hour on the turbo on MyWhoosh this evening.

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    Day 29: hour and a half before breakfast of mixed gnarly clay climbing, sandy tracks, and black top.

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    Totally fell off the wagon last week ;(

    Had a really stressful time at work last week which really took away all my energy and just couldn’t be bothered with doing exercise of any sort. Particularly annoying as had the time but not the motivation.

    Followed that up with a weekend of boozing which has meant now missed 5 days.

    Getting back on it this week but now target will be get in as many days out of 100 as possible so next year can aim to beat it.

    On more positive note has led to hopefully a small epiphany, decided to give myself a break from trying to do too much and setting myself other unrealistic targets and routines but will just focus on doing something physical each day (might do a separate post on that!).

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    I’m a bit “all or nothing” so I’ve learnt a few techniques to help myself over the years. One, that might be helpful to you, is that I might say to myself… Ok, I’m going to fail if I try and exercise every day, so I will give myself two strikes* each week. This means I can skip any two days if I need to and still be successful within my personal challenge. Strikes cannot be carried over to the following week, nor borrowed. That technique helped me during this challenge two years ago when I was having some medical stuff at the same time.

    *Strikes…  I’ve used strikes to improve eating habits, reduce booze intake, etc. It helps an “all or nothing” mindset from relapsing completely!

    Edit- I’m not suggesting you are”all or nothing” but that the technique might help when surrounded by other pressures.

    Full Member

    @stanley  Thanks – I am an “all or nothing” person so good tip re the two strikes. Think I need to rethink my whole approach to life at the moment and make sure my leisure time is more full of things I want to do rather than adding even more pressure to my life.

    Free Member

    Back on the bike properly yesterday and today. Up Ben Lomond yesterday – it snowed a bit at the top!

    Out on the gravel bike this morning – doing a bit of zone 2 stuff to try and undo my overtraining.

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    it snowed a bit at the top!

    Show off! (wink emoji)

    Nothing strenuous for me today. Legs surprisingly OK after yesterday’s run, however, just a walk in my ‘happy place’ . As much as I love the countryside, moors, mountains, forests, woods etc. I never, ever, get tired of listening to the sea. (big smile emoji)


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    I did 3 biggish MTB rides in the Tweed Valley over the weekend and I’m absolutely knackered, I had to have a 20 minute power nap at lunchtime to get me through the working day.
    I have no shame in saying I am doing **** all exercise today!

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    4k hike/7k on the treadmill. Defo tired from big ride yesterday. Garmin was giving me the ‘have a day off’ advice. I don’t know how to tell it to suppress that message until Christmas Eve :)

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    Saturday was a run first thing and an hour of weights in the afternoon, yesterday was a struggle. Got up but just couldn’t get going, sat watching television, yawning and nodding off!!

    Decided that if I didn’t get out and do something, the day would be a right off and I would beat myself up for wasting a Sunday. The weather was lovely so I went out on the gravel bike trying to link some newly found byroad’s together with the odd road or farm track. Was out for a couple of hours and it made all the difference to my mood.

    I ran again this morning but as the day has gone on, I have developed a nagging pain in my lower back. Going to try some gentle stretches later after cooking dinner.

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    Weights at lunchtime and an evening Zwift session. Though I’d lost weight as my jeans were loose but I’ve put 2 kgs on.  My fancy scales tell me it’s muscle.

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