New mosquito invasi...

[Closed] New mosquito invasion in the North West?

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Over the last week or so, I've been bitten by what I can only assume is a new type of mossie. I've had, in succession, a hugely swollen ankle, a hugely swollen right hand, and now a hugely swollen left hand. It's a painful allergic reaction and I am getting pretty miffed.

Now, I'm a Scot (currently living in Manchester) and have been exposed to the worst midgie swarms bonnie Scotland has to offer without any of the allergic reactions I've been seeing this summer. They're not horsefly bites either, as I have had plenty of them and they are quite distinct from what I've got now.

I've been in Manchester for three years and this is the first summer that I have reacted this way to a bite. I am trying to MTFU about the whole thing, but am genuinely curious about what's causing it.

So, have we been invaded by a new species or variety of mosquito?

Any entomologists on here? We seem to have experts (some of them not just self-proclaimed) about most things so I figure it's worth asking.


Posted : 31/07/2012 9:34 am