Killed 2 mice, maim...

[Closed] Killed 2 mice, maimed another !!

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So last week I saw a mouse... *dramatic pause*... here in my house, it scuttled out from under the dishwasher in the kitchen and run round the corner, I followed it and it ran into the living room, behind a sofa. I pulled all the furniture out but couldn't find it. Thought I'll get some traps in the next week sometime.

Came home late from biking sunday night and heard a scuttling and scratching in one of our food cupboards so tentatively opened it and saw the mouse at the back!!! so carefully closed the door and put barricades up round the cupboard so if it tried to run back to the dishwasher it would be trapped and I could get it. It worked perfectly and I was able to trap it under a bowl. I put some cardboard under it and walked down the road to the cut and flipped the mouse out of the bowl into the field.

Monday night, wife had gone to bed and I was looking at the tablet in the living room, no tele on and most of the lights were out. Heard the scratching again in the same cupboard, opened it to see a small whiskery face poking out from behind a packet of Salt n Vinegar hula hoops. Angry at the little flipper in my house eating my pasta and Hula Hoops I saw red and grabbed a big knife from the rack, pulled all the jars out of the cupboard leaving just a row of pop bottles at the back which the mouse was scurrying behind. I managed to stab the little bleeder and boy did it squeak. I withdrew the knife and brought it down between 2 bottles completely severing it's tail!!! I had cut off it's tail with a carving knife, there was a some blood and a tail.... have you ever seen such a thing in your life? It escaped though so there is probably a mouse corpse without a tail somewhere under my kitchen units.

I emailed the wife at work and asked her to completely clean that cupboard, checking all packets for nibble marks and so on and anti bac all the sides and all the packets. I was on a late that day and I did the bottom half and asked her to do the top. That lunchtime I got some traps but I got a hysteric phone call at work that she was cleaning the tins and jars and a mouse had 'jumped out at her' lol. She's quite tough my wife and wasn't particularly phased we had rodents up until this point.

I got home to find her cowering upstairs and wouldn't come down. I opened the cupboard and there it was, bold as brass sitting at the front of the cupboard looking at me. I grabbed a knife and tried to get it, pulled all the stuff out again and it got behind the bottles just like last time. I managed to stab it but instead of withdrawing the knife to have another go I kept it there and dragged it out to the floor, got another knife and gave it a firm press just behind it's head whereupon it stopped struggling and squeaking. Death to the Mouse!

I put the traps down in the cuboard last night, baited with peanut butter and came down to another dead mouse in one of the traps, Much Success!
So that's where we are now, we'll keep putting the traps down and cleaning the cupboards until there are no more little poos and smell of mouse urine. I haven't been able to find where they got in yet so will have a better look when I'm not at work. Not really asking for advice coz there's loads on the internet but feel free if you like or flame away because I inhumanely killed some mice who could bring disease into my house and eat my hula hoops without my permission.

Posted : 08/01/2014 12:12 pm