Film thing, but applies to TV series too…Nobody locks his or her car!
They never used to with old keys, but nowadays you’ll see them use the blipper key.
That’s my key related bugbear!
Bit like the use of nitrous oxide in fast and furious.. Guess they were using dry kit rather than wet kit which prevents the fuel mixture from going lean.
It's just a film though.
All cardiac arrests are shockable, even when the monitor clearly shows an asystole, PEA or even worse, complete flatline.
how everyone has a 555 phone number
Hero shots at bad guys car as it drives towards him, usually with a 9mm or .45 round. No cloud of steam as the rad ruptures, no car grinding to a halt as the loom gets shot out or block gets cracked open.
I have it on good authority that .45 round goes through a car door, collects the window winding mechanism which then collects the gear stick before leaving the other side of the cars door again with much of the window winding mechanism and leaves with a large exit hole. So hiding behind a car door as the baddie shots at you with an AK is pretty useless, similarly flipping tables over or empty oil drums.
Disarming a nuke, it’s easy once the case is open, no need for laptops or red wire/blue wire, just pull half a dozen random wires off the fission bomb explosive shell and whilst it’ll still go bang and be a bit radio active it won’t give you a mushroom cloud.
unless it’s a gun type nuke which
Hunter Killer. Guy is stalking deer in Scotland, helicopter appears and next minute he is at Faslane being asked “how was the flight from Portsmouth?”. Good film other than that.
Leaving aside the car stuff that has already been mentioned, it’s mostly gunplay that annoys me in films.
Things like full auto being used by professional soldiers when shooting at distance, or basically anything other than close combat. 13 Hours at least did that bit right with the GRS guys using mostly single shot.
Magazines never running out, or having endless spares... I mean, WTF? Most people carry between four and six, plus one on, so that’s about 200 rounds. Yet they seem to be able to go full auto all day without running out or having to stop, ask their mates for spare 4BIT and then spend 20 minutes sitting on a daysack reloading mags.
Oh, and dumping mags. Grrrrrr. You don’t do that if you want to actually use them again. Put them back in a pouch or in a dump bag FFS.
Not having to shout in each others ears in a night club.
...oh, and I haven't seen it but everything in the upcoming Downton Abbey film will be s##t.
Sex...movies gloss over some convenient details about all of it, but especially morning sex when they wake up from their perfect peaceful sleep looking like they've just come out of a beauty salon with perfect hair and makeup, having eating a pack of polos.
When a car crashes, one of two things happens. Either the horn locks on or you get a fire ball.
Parking. There is always a space right outside.
henchmen who apparently can't hit a barn door when shooting. Hero runs close by and they hit everything but...
Django Unchained takes this irritation to the nth degree.
Not a detail, more of the major end sequence that seems to happen in most if not all action /hero v baddie movies. The bad guy is a master villain owning mega weapons /ship/planet /shotguns whatever yet so so often it seems to come down to a straight mano a mano fist fight /grapple /choke sequence for our hero to do away with the top baddie.... Weapons all chucked away for some reason.....
A lot of these are things where they’ve been so over used in the history of film that it feels weird and wooden if they leave it realistic and don’t include them.
Using SCUBA in The Abyss.
Most people carry between four and six, plus one on, so that’s about 200 rounds
Endless ammo in ww2 movies especially. Saw an interview with a guy that’s was on the landing boats at Dunkirk ‘we were given six bullets each. I’m pretty sure I used all my ones’
Endless ammo in ww2 movies especially. Saw an interview with a guy that’s was on the landing boats at Dunkirk ‘we were given six bullets each. I’m pretty sure I used all my ones’
What landing boats at Dunkirk? They were getting off.
The British Army in WW2 did not send their soldiers into battle with 6 bullets.
An early scene in a recent King Arthur film where two characters were in bed. The bed was better made than mine with bigger, fluffier pillows that looked like they were from Habitat and had been freshly laundered that morning. In Dark Age Britain.
Non-diegetic sound.
There is a whole youtube channel dedicated to all this shit: Cinemasins.
Here's an example right here:
Search for your favourite movie and it's likely on there. Beware though, this is one of those youtube holes that once you venture down you'll be a while climbing back out.
how everyone has a 555 phone number
Sally Dibbs doesn't
Cars that supposidly have come some distance yet have water droplets dripping from the exhaust because they have just been started for the scene.
Airbags which don't go off when the car crashes unless it's for comical effect.
Matthew McConaughey's character was an Apollo astronaut in Interstellar but the youngest one ever was Charlie Duke born in 1935 which would make him 84 now let alone the 10-20 years in the future when Interstellar was set. Why the hell didn't Nolan make him a space shuttle pilot I don't know just because he wanted to make some stupid inference about the moon landings being a hoax. I couldn't get over that and ruined the whole film for me.
Motorbikes that have the wrong engine sound, 4 strokes with 2 stroke sound and visa versa
Scenes with space or diving suits - the helmets always have an internal light shining in the actors eyes. I know it’s so we can see their faces but real life it would be impossible to see out!
Similar in some driving scenes, the instrument lights shining on their faces are like searchlights
Shooting bullets into water to make sure the good guy is dead.
Scenes with space or diving suits – the helmets always have an internal light shining in the actors eyes. I know it’s so we can see their faces but real life it would be impossible to see out!
I know I slagged The Abyss earlier but those helmets were cool as ****!
Made by Kirby Morgan and cost an absolute fortune.
Sex…movies gloss over some convenient details about all of it
Mainly though- BRAS! So many sex scenes where the woman keeps her bra on! Dunno about anyone else, but I like a boob and if, you know, doing it, I am gonna make sure I see a boob or 2!
Semi-auto pistols where a specific point has been made of a full mag going in, a round chambered then fired. Then what happens? The ****ing slide lock.
any sports film with live action sequences..... unless they've managed to cut in real footage.
But particularly goalkeepers diving out of the way of a ball! Just tell them to try and save it and keep filming until they don't!!
Fake rain on an obviously sunny day.
CSI and others of that ilk with all the bullshit technology. Episode one should be crime scene and taking samples. Episode two lab work (or whatever is actually done) with samples. Next six episodes is just cops waiting around drinking coffee, snacking and asking when the results will come in. Episode nine, results come back as inconclusive.
Recoilless guns.
Thy actually talk about the weapon "yeah this is the Desert Eagle 50AE" then they fire off a mag and apart from the slide, the gun doesn't move.
At least Clint raised his arm when he fired his Mod. 29 .44 Magnum.
Recoilless guns.
Arnie in comando, fully automatic assault rifles, shooting from the hip.. one in each hand, no problemo!
OK he's a strong guy but hahaha, that's part of what makes that film a classic though, it's completely ludicrous
I saw Fast and Furious Calvin & Hobbs last night. Trying to find the non detail annoying bits.
All this talk of guns reminds me of a story from a few years back. New York cop chasing down a guy who just robbed a store, the guy has a gun, he turns and shoots the cop just like in the movies. Gun jams, because the guy held it sideways to look gangster. I suspect that detail still bugs him today.
To be fair, it must be a pretty shitty gun if it jams when you hold it sideways.
The burning Spitfire at the end of Dunkirk*. Obviously a Spitfire shaped frame with plywood over it. The engine appears to have been replaced with a broom handle to hold the prop on.
*Actually lots of shots in Dunkirk. There appeared to be only 200 guys on the beach, 3 Spitfires, 3 Luftwaffe and 6 boats. Also the 109s that clearly weren't.
Not saying that they should have torched a real Spitfire, but a bit of CGI wouldn't have gone amiss.
Cars, either wheel spinning on acceleration or skidding under braking, FFS why have you turned the ABS and traction control off?
Cars, either wheel spinning on acceleration or skidding under braking, FFS why have you turned the ABS and traction control off?
I see cars getting a bit of wheel spin all the time from standing starts, but thats because most people buy the cheapest possible tires they can find, and don't understand how the acceleration pedal works.
So it is factually accurate, If for the wrong reasons.
Large and lumbering 4x4s and lorries able to keep pace easily with Ferraris and sports motorcycles always bugs me to to a distracting extent during chase scenes.
I know that the Bond franchise has its own sound stage at pinewood… and that it can be filled with water. Thats no reason for every big action scene in every bond movie to be in a space thats exactly the same size and shape and always have water in it
Actually ,apart from being able to fill it with water, none of the rest of that statement is correct.
Action movies with female heroes where the fight scenes defy the laws of physics ie, a 5 stone women can punch a 15 stone man across a room. And any fight scenes against multiple opponents where the individual protagonist doesn't receive the death of a thousand adidas.
To be fair, it must be a pretty shitty gun if it jams when you hold it sideways.
That's why if you see anyone trained to actually shoot a weapon never holds it sideways.
MI 1 why does the villain think it's a good idea to get off the train and onto a helicopter being dragged down a 22 mile tunnel by that train?
Action movies
At least Clint raised his arm when he fired his Mod. 29 .44 Magnum.
it is the most powerful handgun in the world
Films about specific places filmed eleswhere. The first Bastogne film was ace, the second with Telly Salvalas was filmed with the wrong tanks in a desert. The Compostelle films where they aren't walking on St James Way.
Things being noisy in space.
Most explosions in films now annoy me, they don't just have flames, but stupid bits whizzing out with sparks as if whatever was blown up was filled with bits of fireworks
Not so much these days but in the 70s/80s there were only two kinds of injury that could be sustained in a car crash:
a: A graze on your temple which meant you were going to be fine and just needed to dust yourself down and get on with it
b: A trickle of blood from your ear which meant you were either dying or already dead
Made me laugh out loud. Thanks.
This bloke, I mean this particular action sequence..