Brake lever fluid l...

[Closed] Brake lever fluid leak and squelch

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Fitting new pads on the hard tail X0 brakes, pistons a bit stuck, push them back, squeezing lever with pad stopper in and brake lever goes pop and now got squelch sound and a little brake fluid coming from lever. Move the pads and same sound from lever.

Brake works in the stand, bites disc fine, but I'm suspecting if I took it out, the whole thing would go and there'd be brake fluid all over the place and I'll be embedded in a tree.

What to do? Service - looked at manual, looks a bit of a pain. Or pay someone to do it, or buy a new one (£100). Hmm.

Anyone serviced X0 levers (not Trail, regular Elixir style, 2010/11 model probably)?

Posted : 21/03/2014 4:53 pm