eMTB Specific Shoes: Terra Ergolace X2 from fizik

by 32

Looking for some shoes to wear while riding your eMTB? Punctuation loving* brand fi’zi:k has just the thing for you: the Terra Ergolace X2.

Thanks to advancements in bike performance and battery life, as remote areas become more accessible and e-mountain bikers head farther off the grid than ever before, having a shoe that can match this same adventurous energy, matters. Bringing their own touch to the trails, the team at fizik have expanded their range of e-MTB products with an exciting addition: the Terra Ergolace X2 e-Bike shoes for e-MTB.


The Terra Ergolace X2 e-bike shoes have an X2 outsole designed for use with flat pedals, and a widened profile for a better pedal connection. For off the bike you get a Vibram sole with plenty of tread to help you stay upright when pushing the added weight of an eMTB. Hardwearing ripstop uppers and a PU-laminated toecap and side reinforcements should give the shoes durability, while the Ergolace closure provides an easy, anatomical fit.

*For the fact fans: fi’zi:k is the phonetic spelling of the word physique, referring to the form or state of the human body.

Is this what you’re looking for in an eMTB specific shoe? Maybe these are exactly what you’ve been looking for on your meat powered bike? Have you noticed any specific eMTB clothing needs? More layers maybe to keep warm if you’re making the most of Boost mode? A different chamois to reflect more time spent sitting to pedal? Or is this all a load of marketing and branding and you’re quite happy with the shoes you’ve got thank you very much? You know where the comments section is…

Comments (32)

    eBikes? Loafers surely?!?
    Seriously though, these look like great shoes. Be interested to know how they stack up again 5Tens.

    shakes head at the gullibility of humankind and the cupidity of marketing departments……

    Ebike specific shoes?
    Come on!

    I have just had to check the date, nope it’s not April 1st yet. I am sure there will be plenty who will fall for this bull and part with their $$ for what will probably be an overinflated price for the extra ‘e’.

    Vaude Moab stx in winter, five ten free rider in summer.

    Total agree with you @julians

    Left-handed screwdriver anyone?


    Agree with @Rudie. Rugged shoes with grippy soles… those would be walking boots. Is this really all the MTB news that there is?

    I’m sorry but come on! “Head further off the grid” righty the **** oh.

    “Is this what you’re looking for in an eMTB specific shoe? Maybe these are exactly what you’ve been looking for on your meat powered bike? Have you noticed any specific eMTB clothing needs? More layers maybe to keep warm if you’re making the most of Boost mode? A different chamois to reflect more time spent sitting to pedal? Or is this all a load of marketing and branding and you’re quite happy with the shoes you’ve got thank you very much?”
    Why not offer an editorial opinion, rather than just reel off the press release and ask us what we think?

    What next? eMTB specific water bottles?

    I’m sure these will be very reasonably priced and well worth the money.

    “while the Ergolace closure provides an easy, anatomical fit. ”
    So you keep them on by tying the laces, yeah?

    “Why not offer an editorial opinion, rather than just reel off the press release and ask us what we think?”
    We’ve not seen the shoe or had chance to test it so we reserve our judgement. In the meantime it’s a heck of thing to put out an eMTB specific shoe and that makes it worth reporting.

    More fancy shoes that do/have this, that or the other, but still fail to actually be the shape of a human foot! ‍♂️

    What? That was supposed to be a face:palm

    Curiously, these don’t seem to be a new shoe – road.cc reviewed them in 2019 – and nowhere else mentions the ebike stuff, not even Extra, the distributor. A quiet day in the Fizik marketing office, perhaps?

    John Reviewed them back in Oct ’19 too – no mention of eBike-ness either.
    “Fizik labels the Ergolace X2 as an all-mountain shoe”

    That review is for the clip-in version.
    Weirdly Fizik market the clip-in version as a general mtb shoe and the flat pedal version for e-bikes. Fizik don’t seem to make a non-ebike flat pedal shoe.

    @Onzadog I’ve used Bont shoes on my road bike which are more foot shaped – they were comfortable but no more or less so than a ‘normal’ shoe.

    Do they do a matching ebike specific girdle or double-chin support braces? I’m finding my sloshing body fat ripples are unsettling the suspension kinematics.

    I agree with Onzadog, the nearest I can get to an anatomically shaped show is a wide 5Ten in a size up. When are shoe manufacturers (in every sport) going to stop ducking up our feet and performance with pointy shoes?

    “Head further off the grid……..
    ………off the bike you get a Vibram sole with plenty of tread to help you stay upright when pushing the added weight of an eMTB.
    Makes sense to me, specifically designed for when your battery goes flat and you’re 50km from the nearest charge point :)

    I’ve never quite understood many eBike specific things, tyres, suspension, brakes etc
    Okay yes an ebike is maybe 8 to 10kg heavier (that sort of ballpark) but say I’m 20kg lighter than my riding mate. He has the same brakes as me, still stops just as well. I would have thought rider weight is the biggest variable and can add far more than an ebikes extra weight.
    Maybe we need components for the more ‘portly rider’

    The ‘off the grid’ references on an eBike – they’re trolling us, surely?
    There was a forum post about some guy doing multi day trips away from and power connection and looking to use a windmill on his eBike handle bars. Does he write marketing copy now?

    Reminds me of the time one of the major manufacturers introduced the “29er-specific saddle.” Incredible scenes.

    No mention of whether they are good on pedal grip? That “article” reads like a straight crib from the manufacturers PR materials! SO, Hannah, any chance letting us know how DO they compare please – to the reference – 510’s (which seem to have entirely lost their durability, we do so need a challenger for the crown)

    @mudfish all I had to go on was the PR, so this is just a news story telling you (a toned down version of) what the PR says. I don’t have an actual pair to look at, test, or compare to the PR.

    Gotcha Hannah. It would be great if you could test them one day. I imagine they are on the Hannah list as they look pretty promising. Thanks.

    I think they look like they could be great for backcountry trips, but that has nothing to do with whether you’re riding an ebike or not….!

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