International Adventure: Gaze Up To The Breeze Of The Heavens

Pete’s overnight ride idea remains a dream, as the weather gods demand a change of plan. Words & Photography Pete Scullion In stark contrast to the bright white limestone towers…

Issue 153 UK Adventure: Britain’s Lost Rainforests

It’s not just the Amazon rainforest that’s at risk. Here in the UK, our own temperate rainforests are vanishing too. Words & Photography Pete Scullion I know what you’re thinking.…

Issue 152: Salmon Fishing in the… Feshie

Pete gets his feet wet in a search for that iconic Scottish image: the leaping salmon. Words & Photography Pete Scullion Returning from overseas to find most of Scotland underwater,…

Singletrack Issue 151 Purposeful Adventure: Friends in High Places

Pete goes in search of the dabs of colour that cling to life in the Scottish mountains. Words & Photography Pete Scullion Heading north and west into a little-known corner…

Issue 150: Purposeful Adventure – Land Lost

Pete Scullion looks at some of the industrial scars that mark the ‘unspoiled beauty’ of England’s Lake District. But it’s not all bad… far from it. Words & Photography Pete…

Beinn Dorain: Scotland’s Great Pyramid

Ever seen that big pointy lump of a hill on the way to Fort William and wondered how it rides? Pete Scullion goes to find out. Words & Photography Pete…

Purposeful Adventure: Eager Beavers

Pete and Rosie rides over hills and crawl through undergrowth in search of Scotland’s thriving beaver population. Words & Photography Pete Scullion This Purposeful Adventure idea came about via the...

Issue 148 Purposeful Adventure – Beyond The Blues

Trash Free Trails A-Teamers Pete Scullion and Ali Hair give a cold ride a warm glow by adding purpose to their adventure. What if our adventures not only sustained us…

Issue 146: Pete’s Myths: Nesbyen Huldufólk

Pete chases shadows and Manon Carpenter in their search for this Norwegian myth. Words & Photography Pete Scullion Mention Scandinavian myth and legend to anyone, and they’ll no doubt think…

Issue 145: Ben Cruachan and the Cailleach

Pete Scullion’s look into ancient myths and legends takes him to Ben Cruachan – and a search for the Queen of Winter. Words & Photography Pete Scullion Sandwiched between the…

duegars issue 144 pete scullion

Issue 144 UK Adventure: Where the Duegars Dwell

What’s short, hairy and lures us to the moors of Northumberland – Pete, or a Duegar? Words & Photography Pete Scullion North of Hadrian’s Wall and south of the Scottish…

Issue 143 UK Adventure: Ghost Riders

Has Taunton’s bloody history left a chill in the air, or is it just the sweat cooling on Pete’s neck? Words & Photography Pete Scullion “If ghosts do exist, why…

Issue 142 UK Adventure: The Shugborough Inscription

Pete mixes fact, fantasy and pure speculation on a tour of Cannock Chase. If any legend has allowed humans to waste more of their time in fruitless pursuit of the…

Issue 142 Pete’s Pro’s: Rachel Atherton

Pete takes in laps and baby naps with Rachel Atherton on her home turf. Of all the routes I’ve travelled to go for a ride with those who make their…

Pete’s Pros: Hattie Harnden

Pete Scullion talks fun, work and sleep with the multidisciplinary bike racing dynamo. Words & Photography Pete Scullion Despite being a classic mountain biking destination, I’d never once stopped in Great…

Behind The Scenes: The Art of the Photograph

Why are Pete Scullion’s photographs so great compared to your own trail shot efforts? Is it the subject, the method, or a big pile of kit? Words & Photography Pete…

Scottish Stag-Do – A YT Izzo UK Adventure

Amanda sets out to bag some Scottish Munros, returning instead with epic memories, incredible experiences and more than a few bruises. In association with… YT INDUSTRIES Words Amanda Photography Pete...

Classic Ride 134 – Kirk Yetholm

Kirk Yetholm isn’t a German sitcom character, but a hidden classic Scottish riding location a stone’s throw north of the English border.  Words & Photography PETE SCULLION Think bikes and...

Classic Ride 132 – Menteith Hills

Pete Scullion takes us on a tour of the endless, accessible fire roads and exciting singletrack on the very edge of the Scottish mountains.  Words & Photography Pete Scullion The...

Pete Scullion Graubunden Bingo

Mountain Bike Bingo – Postcards from the Alps

Pete Scullion headed to the Alps to check out the Graubünden area – read his destination guide here. While he was there, we set him a ‘Mountain Bike Bingo’ challenge...

Graubünden Home of Trails -Destination Guide

Graubünden landed into collective conscience courtesy of the ‘Home of Trails’ video starring Danny MacAskill and Claudio Caluori. Graubünden itself is not a resort but a canton in south eastern...

Singletrack Issue 124 | Fresh Fruit & New Hazzards

Pete Scullion’s regular series of rides with pro riders continues with one of the enduro circuit’s most enigmatic characters: Joe Barnes. Words & Photography Pete Scullion Overnight snow has turned…

Singletrack Magazine Issue 123 : It’s Pronounced “roo-ree.”

Words & Photography Pete Scullion As I stand in a frozen Innerleithen car park trying to wrap my arms tighter around my torso in a vain effort to warm myself…

Singletrack Magazine Issue 122: Tracey Moseley – Mother Hucker

Tracy Moseley has had the world as her playground, Pete Scullion finds out whether it’s all swings and roundabouts ahead now that she’s a mum and a rider. Words &…

Singletrack Issue 122: Climbing Up in Trentino, Stepping Back in Time

Pete and trials rider Ali Clarkson take the ‘easy’ option round the historic fortresses of Italy. Words & Photography PETE SCULLION With the early morning mist lifting slowly off the…

Land of the midnight sun: From Issue 120

Pete Scullion heads to the northern tip of Scotland in search of midnight sunlight and spectacular trails. From Singletrack Issue 120 There\'s more to this story But it\'s a member-only…

Singletrack Magazine Issue 118: West Is Best

Pete Scullion ventures out to the western fringe of Scotland, ready to sleep under the stars on a remote beach. But he didn’t count on life-threatening weather. Will he tough…

Singletrack Magazine Issue 117: Path Of A Prince

Pete Scullion continues his tour of the north’s coffin roads. Ancient byways that were the final journey for the dead and which conveniently make great trails for the living. Words…

Singletrack Magazine Issue 116: Spineology

Pete Scullion takes on an alpine ridge ride with the most serious of consequences, and the greatest of rewards.  Words & Photography: Pete Scullion Above two and a half thousand…

Interview: Katy Winton

As Katy Winton is announced as this year’s ‘Fox’ for Red Bull Foxhunt, find out how she nearly gave up on bikes altogether There\'s more to this story But it\'s…