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Crossword: Very British (MTB) Problems

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Ah, this green and pleasant land. No bears or wolves or poisonous killer spiders. Just miles of trails, free of hazards of any kind. Roll along, taking in the view, don’t trouble yourself with thoughts of mountain lions or brown snakes. Sigh. It’s all so lovely and relaxing… except… there’s a reason it’s bloody green. And though not much may kill us, there are plenty of other things to disrupt our fun. Most of them…

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Mark Alker

Singletrack Owner/Publisher

What Mark doesn’t know about social media isn’t worth knowing and his ability to balance “The Stack” is bested only by his agility on a snowboard. Graphs are what gets his engine revving, at least they would if his car wasn’t electric, and data is what you’ll find him poring over in the office. Mark enjoys good whisky, sci-fi and the latest Apple gadget, he is also the best boss in the world (Yes, he is paying me to write this).

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