singletrack discounts

Members Survey: Help us make your membership better

by 26

As a Singletrack subscriber, you have access to Singletrack Rewards – a wide range of bike related discounts that can save you money! This survey is to gather feedback on these rewards and how we may be able to improve. As a thank you, one lucky person will win a £50 voucher for Balfe’s Bikes. Take The Survey What do you mean, you had no idea your membership was this good? Actually, loads of you…

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Author Profile Picture
Mark Alker

Singletrack Owner/Publisher

What Mark doesn’t know about social media isn’t worth knowing and his ability to balance “The Stack” is bested only by his agility on a snowboard. Graphs are what gets his engine revving, at least they would if his car wasn’t electric, and data is what you’ll find him poring over in the office. Mark enjoys good whisky, sci-fi and the latest Apple gadget, he is also the best boss in the world (Yes, he is paying me to write this).

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  • Members Survey: Help us make your membership better
  • tjagain
    Full Member

    I filled in the survey.  I am sure I will be an outlier but you might as well have my answers :-)

    Full Member

    I will fill the survey in a mo. Tried to use the 10% Halfords one today but it didn’t work at the till. I used it once before successfully but not today.

    Full Member

    I’ve done it too, bit confused as I got on some sort of Microsoft page? Shut it down!

    Full Member

    Done. I haven’t looked at the rewards for ages. The validation email thing still stops me even looking at them most of the time.

    Waiting 5 minutes for the code to arrive really doesn’t work as a form of MFA.

    Full Member

    I’d do the survey if I could spot the link to it.

    Full Member

    Is there a specsavers discount for scotroutes? 😀

    Full Member

    Never used them, never looked at them. Done the survey though

    Full Member

    I saved £60 on an already discounted Exposure light through this, so it’s well worth checking before you buy. I take it Singletrack get a crumb as well to help keep the lights on.

    Full Member

    Not done the survey yet (just about to) but can I check that those dates fir the start of the new offers are in American not ‘the rest of the world’ format?

    Might be interested in the Bike offer but not if I need to wait another month.

    Full Member

    I’m only a member for the forum, although aware of the rewards I’ve never used any.

    Full Member

    Still waiting for a Cotswold code, there was one when the discounts were organised in-house.

    Full Member

    . I take it Singletrack get a crumb as well to help keep the lights on.

    Actually we don’t. In fact we buy this service so you can get the benefits.

    Full Member

    I’ve certainly looked at the rewards but can’t remember if I have used them TBH. The validation email thing is a bit of a pain and does stop me dipping in to browse the potential bargains TBH.

    I’ll have a go at the survey in a bit.

    Full Member


    Was going to check out the list of discounts again. But then remembered it’s car insurance month this month. That doesn’t leave much ‘excess’ for fripperies.

    Full Member

    The validation email thing is a bit of a pain and does stop me dipping in to browse the potential bargains TBH

    Agreed, I gave up waiting for the code that didn’t arrive a while back. I’ve completed the survey.

    Full Member

    @hooli I’ve been able to double check that your email is in the system so you should have received a confirmation email. Have you checked your spam folder?

    Full Member

    Thanks @Mark, yes I did check SPAM at the time. It wasn’t that I wanted anything in particular or I would have chased it up, it was more idle browsing for something I probably didn’t need.

    Full Member

    Done the survey although I’m not sure as a so far not used the rewards user how helpful it will be. I will be now.  Wish I’d known about the Garmin one 🫤

    Full Member

    Is there a specsavers discount for scotroutes?

    FWIW I found out why I couldn’t see the link, but I’m not allowed to tell.

    Anyroadup – survey completed.

    Full Member

    FWIW I found out why I couldn’t see the kink, but I’m not allowed to tell

    Survey not open to secret mods? I won’t say anything 😉

    Full Member

    Got an absolutely smashing deal on Garmin last week – much lower than any price I’ve seen anywhere, even during sale periods.

    Thanks STW.

    Survey completed.

    Full Member

    Did the survey and saved it, but then got a Microsoft pop up asking me to sign in, so not sure if it was submitted or not?

    A word of caution STW ………. if it’s not clear if the survey was submitted (it wasn’t) and I get pop up windows asking me to sign in elsewhere I won’t bother with any future surveys!

    Full Member

    I’m another one who never gets the code emailed.

    Full Member

    @gazzab1955 the survey has been created and hosted by the EZ Rewards peeps so there’s not much we can do about the actual survey itself I’m afraid. Sorry about that.

    The guys at EZ Rewards are keen to hear from anyone who has trouble getting the code. On our Discount page we have the following help for anyone having trouble…

    Need Help?
    Sometimes links and codes may not work – there’s literally thousands to keep updated and occasionally something may not work as it should. If that happens to you, please email the rewards people on and tell them: your email address, the issue and that you are a Singletrack member.

    If you are having trouble accessing the discounts site, firstly make sure you are using the same email address that you use for you Singletrack World account. Then check your spam folder. If you are still having issues simply email and tell them: your email address, and that you are a Singletrack member. They will quickly send you your own unique URL.

    Getting to the supermarket discounts is not straight forward. Once logged in here is how to find them: Click on Lifestyle rewards / shop / UK gift cards / Retail.

    Full Member

    Survey duly completed, however similar experience to the above “Microsoft pop up asking me to sign in, so not sure if it was submitted or not”

    It was a little ambiguous honestly.  No codes received as yet …

    Full Member

    As a life member the survey questions are a bit odd?

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