Bike Names Quiz

by 35

Picking a name for your new bike model must be tricky. Perhaps it needs to convey what your bike is for, or how you want the rider to feel. Maybe you want it to be funny, or memorable? But will it work across the world, and in multiple languages? And has some bright spark already claimed it as a trademark? One for the quiver? Here’s a quiz to see how many names you can match…

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Hannah Dobson

Managing Editor

I came to Singletrack having decided there must be more to life than meetings. I like all bikes, but especially unusual ones. More than bikes, I like what bikes do. I think that they link people and places; that cycling creates a connection between us and our environment; bikes create communities; deliver freedom; bring joy; and improve fitness. They're environmentally friendly and create friendly environments. I try to write about all these things in the hope that others might discover the joy of bikes too.

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  • This topic has 35 replies, 33 voices, and was last updated 3 months ago by Pyro.
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  • Bike Names Quiz
  • lister
    Full Member

    13. Poor. I am ashamed.

    Full Member

    12. Worse. I’m more ashamed.

    Full Member

    14 – you two SHOULD be ashamed if I beat you

    Full Member

    13. Grrr. I’m sure some were before my time though. 😀

    Full Member

    17 ? How did that happen? 🤔

    Full Member

    You got 21/22 correct!

    The one I got wrong surprised me, so I just Googled it; there was a model called that, so it’s 22/22. I’m a sad, sad bike nerd.

    Full Member

    Another 13…

    Full Member

    19. Bit disappointed.

    Full Member

    Another one on 13.

    Full Member

    15 – poor. Thought I’d selected “we made it up” too often, so guessed instead on some. A mistake!

    Full Member

    13. Thought I’d do better. 

    Full Member

    The answer to the “Rattler” question is wrong, a quick bit of Googling reveals a BSO with one of those brands on it. And UK readers might not know that “butte” is pronounced to rhyme with “newt”, so the marketing team responsible for that one probably still kept their jobs. That aside, bike names are generally pretty dire, aren’t they? 

    Full Member

    The answer to the “Rattler” question is wrong, a quick bit of Googling reveals a BSO with one of those brands on it.

    Thought so. 20 for me.

    Full Member

    I have definitely seen some Giant Buttes while out on the trails…….. 

    Full Member

    19 for me, I got the Butte one wrong. Although when I do own a bike company, I’m going to have a model called the Sisyphus.

    Full Member

    i got the mountain bike names correct. including  road bikes in the quiz was low

    Although when I do own a bike company, I’m going to have a model called the Sisyphus.

    i’m going to have one called Syphilis. it will be the road bike.

    Full Member

    14….actually fairly happy with that, that was tougher than expected!

    Full Member

    17. Not too bad.

    Full Member

    Just 11!
    I’m happy that this is proof that I spend more time riding my bike than reading about them.
    I’m slightly disappointed as I thought I was a bit of a bike geek.😀

    Full Member

    16, more than I expected to be honest.

    Full Member

    4. Whoops.

    Full Member

    I’m happy that this is proof that I spend more time riding my bike than reading about them.

    Yeah, I resemble that accusation. If I spent as much time riding as reading about bikes then I’d be a contender.
    I could’ve been somebody, I tells ya!

    Full Member

    BRIAN. That’d be a good name for a bike…solid and dependable. You’d have to wear a sensible jumper on it though, something subtle.

    Full Member

    11 for me but if the Johnson was made by one of those brands it would have had a whole other meaning in America

    Full Member

    16. I need to get out more

    Full Member

    19, didn’t know the Butte or the Bantam existed. Hey ho.

    Full Member

    13 but at least 5 we’re guesses.

    Full Member

    16! Happy with that

    Full Member

    Another 13, which demonstrates that I don’t need a life sending in the post!

    Full Member

    10, and TBH most of those were guesses!

    Full Member

    13 but OK with that. Most were from brands I have basically no interest in.

    Full Member

    13, seems a popular number


    Full Member

    13 with +1 for rattler if Google beats Singletrack

    Full Member


    Full Member

    17. Worse than I did a few months ago – memory obviously fading!

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