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Results will be revealed mid November.
We might hate to admit that marketing works, and surely there has to be substance as well as style… but which brand makes you want to wear their logo with pride, recommend a friend, and shake the CEO’s hand? This is the award for that brand, whether it’s your head, heart, or both that do the voting.
This is the brand whose videos always have you clicking on the ‘play’ button, because you know it’s going to be good.
Or maybe it’s the brand whose name you see whenever you spot an initiative that makes you warm and fuzzy with thoughts of ‘aren’t bikes great?’
Perhaps it’s the brand whose bikes always hit the spot, or whose clothes always fit just so.
Maybe it’s in the details: that zip pull, that charging port, the neat packaging, or the excellent customer service.
From an expensive big humming 3D printer somewhere in North Wales to the top step of World Cup Downhill racing. Atherton Bikes is a brand that has proven itself tenfold.
Hope Technology are on a real roll in recent years. From their test-winning V4 brakes through to their amazing HB.916 mountain bike, they are killing it.
You can thank a combination of Ronan Dunne and Lando Steezy for getting Nukeproof into the nominations here. Who doesn’t click on a Nukeproof edit?
Expertly riding the increasingly thin line between doing what’s right for the planet whilst making outdoor gear that works well.
The coolest mountain bike brand on the planet? Very probably. There are very few companies out there who know how to push people’s buttons so well.
Voting closes midnight 5th November
Vote in all the Singletrack World Awards 2023 categories here
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Only registered users can vote. If you are not yet registered go here.
Results will be revealed mid November.
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