Government To Launch ‘ReGenR8’ Energy Scheme For Unemployed

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Following a string of measures aimed at addressing rising energy costs, the Government is understood to be poised to enter into a multi-million pound deal to encourage benefits claimants to partake in micro-generation schemes for local services.

Observers say the inter-departmental collaboration will see the ‘ReGenR8’ scheme project enter a deal with an as yet un-named indoor training provider to deliver static bikes to high energy usage locations such as schools and public swimming pools. These will be connected to micro-generation facilities, turning the pedalling into power. Benefits claimants we be expected to undertake a minimum of 1hr40min of pedalling per week, but can earn additional benefits if they pedal for longer.

Official modelling by government departments suggests that the scheme could reduce energy bills by as much as 14%, depending on the effort put in by the participants, who it’s understood will be known as ‘Rishi’s Riders’. Riders who achieve higher than average watts will be rewarded with entry into a monthly prize draw where they can win luxury items such as a hot tub or duck house. All participants will be given a biscuit and a cup of tea after each stint on the bikes. Medals bearing the scheme’s slogan ‘Pedalling For Power‘ will be awarded to those who move on to paid work.

Luckily, with some indoor training providers struggling after the lockdown boom, it’s expected that the bikes will be procured at a competitive price, at a cost in the region of £1.4 million per site. Over the life of the bikes this is expected to be offset by energy cost savings, as well as improving the health outcomes of local benefits claimants.

‘It’s a win-win-win’ said a Government spokesman. ‘Local authorities, get to reduce their energy costs for essential local services, benefits claimants get to contribute to society, and all the exercise they get will reduce the burden on the NHS. It’s a great opportunity for these modern times when activity can be so hard to achieve. These indoor bikes will keep people safely away from our dangerous roads and fragile countryside.’

Rishi’s Riders will be a keystone policy in the government’s Levelling Up agenda, which aims to give the appearance of creating opportunities for everyone in the UK, while simultaneously ensuring the richest in our society can continue to contribute to the trickle down economy that is so vital to the smooth functioning of democratic functions.

‘Practically speaking, I think it’s a brilliant idea’ said Surbiton-Upon-Sea MP, and micro-generation investor, Julian Balliol-Smithers. ‘The unemployed can be put to good use, for the benefit of our society. Fitness and good health are a civic duty, and this scheme will ensure that those who are unemployed do not sit idle in their drawing rooms.’

Although the scheme will initially only be open to the unemployed, it’s understood that talks are underway to enable pensioners to top up their pensions through access to the scheme. ‘Due to unforeseen and unavoidable economic circumstances, many pensioners in the UK are finding their pension fund value has fallen. Taking part in the ReGenR8 scheme will help our pensioners stay active while also making up the shortfall in their living standards’, explained Balliol-Smithers.

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Hannah Dobson

Managing Editor

I came to Singletrack having decided there must be more to life than meetings. I like all bikes, but especially unusual ones. More than bikes, I like what bikes do. I think that they link people and places; that cycling creates a connection between us and our environment; bikes create communities; deliver freedom; bring joy; and improve fitness. They're environmentally friendly and create friendly environments. I try to write about all these things in the hope that others might discover the joy of bikes too.

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  • Government To Launch ‘ReGenR8’ Energy Scheme For Unemployed
  • hardtailonly
    Full Member

    Ah, finally this government comes up with a brilliant, creative, imaginative policy. Great news! 👍

    Full Member

    Tebbit woz rite.

    Full Member

    They get 15 million merits for this plan from me.

    Free Member


    Full Member

    Great news! As a pensioner I shall volunteer to take part as a way of getting fit. Perhaps the Labour Party will strike back by feeding us beans and running gas turbines for power.

    Free Member

    You know there’s some spad in no10 actually thinking this could work….

    Full Member

    Somewhere in Whitehall, somebody is running the numbers on this.

    Full Member

    “Power from the people”….

    Can we turn the ones that expire on the spinning bikes into food for poor people?

    Full Member

    Spot-on as always.

    Thanks STW

    A :-)

    Free Member

    Stage 2: Soylent Green 💚

    Full Member

    At last, some common sense from this government 👍

    Full Member


    Full Member

    Stage 2: Soylent Green 💚

    Made for the unemployed or from the unemployed :shock:

    Full Member

    This is “Levelling Up” on Zwift

    Full Member


    Full Member

    What tyres for micro generation?

    Seriously, I genuinely think someone in government would look at that and go “hmmmmm. That might actually work”

    Free Member

    Black mirror

    Full Member

    Charlie Brooker’s Dark Mirror did an episode on this exact thing. Great episode. I’m sure the announcement date is the truth here, however, how many Zwifts in the world does it take to boil a kettle if that energy could be returned to the grid!? My mate does a 2 hour ride every night with his turbo trainer applying a load electronically…..So maybe not so mad an idea…

    Full Member

    Seriously, I genuinely think someone in government would look at that and go “hmmmmm. That might actually work”

    I did look at the numbers out of curiosity- not for this crowd sourced slavery idea but for a home turbo trainer. Seemed like a waste that all my training watts were going up in smoke.

    Turns out it’s about 25p an hour. And actually the laws of thermodynamics mean I am heating my spare room anyway. (Heat emitted from an inefficient human is going to be more than my crank output)

    Power generation from humans – idiotic

    Mandatory or even subsidised/encouraged exercise on the other hand…

    Free Member


    What is the date today…?


    Free Member

    Full Member

    I am in total ignorance of Black Mirror! I made this up all by myself :-)

    Full Member

    Can I get a new bike for this, with a suitable tax break ?

    How about a goverent Bike-2-Heat scheme maybe ?

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