Is it safe? Answer our reader survey questions

by 24

We’ve created a page here where we have created a collection of simple survey style questions. Unlike normal surveys this one gives you the results every time you submit an answer.

You can generally only answer each question once, no matter where it appears on our site although the security on that is based on cookies so you may get the occasional chance to answer again. But then the results are just a guide and you can read about why these sorts of surveys help us out over on the the survey page.

Here’s a taster question for you from our survey.

Now you’ve done that one head over to our survey page to answer more and find out how much everyone earns for a living and how many bikes we all have.

We will add new questions from time to time. You can always check how the survey results are going by clicking the link in the “More..’ menu at the top of the page.

Author Profile Picture
Mark Alker

Singletrack Owner/Publisher

What Mark doesn’t know about social media isn’t worth knowing and his ability to balance “The Stack” is bested only by his agility on a snowboard. Graphs are what gets his engine revving, at least they would if his car wasn’t electric, and data is what you’ll find him poring over in the office. Mark enjoys good whisky, sci-fi and the latest Apple gadget, he is also the best boss in the world (Yes, he is paying me to write this).

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  • Is it safe? Answer our reader survey questions
  • Mark
    Full Member

    The original thread seems to have borked itself from page 2 onwards and won’t play nice. Tech are looking at it but in the meantime let’s continue here.

    Full Member

    Is this the right thread?! Anyway, survey is done. Unsurprising demographics :)

    One thought – the answers to membership levels might be a bit skewed given your recent request for help. If it weren’t for that my answer would have been “No and no plans to be”. Depends what you want to do with that data I guess, but maybe weight the full membership count using new members in the last month or so.

    Free Member

    Did it but surely you don’t expect middle-aged keyboard warriors on a MTB-site to own a MTB? :) :)
    I used the detail for my last MTB but I’m solely gravel and road now

    Full Member

    Survey done.

    “ Unlike normal surveys this one gives you the results every time you submit an answer.”

    Just like Pinkbike does?

    Full Member

    How often do you ride bikes?

    I actually had to drive to work yesterday. I had forgotten just how dreary driving is.

    Free Member

    I’m pretty sure I should report this – clearly mark is just spamming the forum with duplicate threads and starting new ones when the previous one gets closed. Treats it like he owns the place he does.

    Where are the mods when you need them eh? Too busy keeping up with the QE thread I guess.


    Full Member

    I’m quite surprised to see (at the time I did the survey) the majority taking the survey are male, middle aged, have high incomes and own quite a few bikes costing upwards of £2,000 each (and more). It kind of sounds like golf or something. Long way from Klunkers, jumpers for goal posts etc :)

    Free Member

    the majority taking the survey are male, middle aged, have high incomes

    I’m not sure you can make that second leap from the survey.

    Given the age range is average 41-50 and that many households are going to have at least two people earning (possibly more, especially in lower income households where multiple renters is common) it doesn’t need much to tick into the “higher” brackets (unless the distribution has changed most were in the up to 100k bracket).

    2 forty ish year olds on median salary aren’t far off that bracket, add in a teenager with a Saturday job and you’re into that one.
    Also the gender pay gap is wider at higher age groups so “male and 40+” is going to heavily skew the average wage upwards too (though likely in the same households one of the other earners will be female in the same broad age group so household income tends to be closer to the median)

    4 people on 39 hours at minimum wage puts you in the same bracket and isn’t unlikely if those 4 people want to “make rent” in a lot of places.


    Ages 16-17: £10,910
    Ages 18-21: £17,284
    Ages 22-29: £24,600
    Ages 30-39: £30,865
    Ages 40-49: £33,477
    Ages 50-59: £31,358
    Ages 60+: £27,508


    Full Member

    I knew STW was mostly grumpy middle aged blokes but I never realised just how much it’s mostly middle aged grumpy blokes 🤣

    Full Member

    Yeah, sorry for the forum thread glitching and chaos.

    On the gender split data I have something to share to the group. For some of the self reported data we are seeing we already have other sources. On the demographics for instance we have our Google sourced data. This is the snapshot from the last 30 days as reported by Google Analytics for both age and gender. I offer this for the group to discuss but initial comment is that the age data seems to correspond to the user reported data in the survey but ‘so far’ the gender split does not.

    Full Member

    And one more cautionary point. So far the survey page has been open for slightly less than 24 hours. Our analytics show that it was viewed 691 times yesterday. Yesterday we clocked up 120k page views.

    Full Member

    I probably broke the thread yesterday – you were probably deleting my post while I was editing it! Sorry about that, and the post. :-)

    FWIW – I’m logged in today and it’s allowing me to fill it in again (if I were inclined to, I haven’t though).

    Full Member

    I’m not sure you can make that second leap from the survey.

    Given the age range is average 41-50 and that many households are going to have at least two people earning (possibly more, especially in lower income households where multiple renters is common) it doesn’t need much to tick into the “higher” brackets (unless the distribution has changed most were in the up to 100k bracket).

    its also worth noting that the graph has tighter bands for lower incomes than for higher. The stw median is around £78k, mean is around £87k (with some assumptions around actual values within a banding)

    Free Member

    offer this for the group to discuss but initial comment is that the age data seems to correspond to the user reported data in the survey but ‘so far’ the gender split does not.

    So “40 something blokes on a high wage” are significantly more likely to be filling their work day completing surveys on the internet than less will paid or female counterparts?

    I don’t suppose that’s a surprise to anyone.

    Full Member

    This is the snapshot from the last 30 days as reported by Google Analytics for both age and gender

    Id believe the survey over GA given you don’t ‘tell’ GA your age and gender…so certainly interesting to see how GA and survey compare

    Full Member

    Interesting. We have another source of data which is our full membership database and I can say with confidence that the current self reported data is very different to the gender split for those that receive the magazine.

    Full Member

    So “40 something blokes on a high wage” are significantly more likely to be filling their work day completing surveys on the internet than less will paid or female counterparts?

    I don’t suppose that’s a surprise to anyone

    Work smarter, not harder :-D

    Free Member

    Mark, I’m genuinely curious as to how GA works out the gender of the reader – is it based on other site visiting habits? Do we tell them some other way somehow? Curious how it’s done…

    Free Member

    How Does Google Analytics Track User Age and Gender?

    Would probably be a good source – can’t say I’ve read it mind

    Full Member

    Google knows a lot about us all and its exact methodology is not exactly in the public domain, but AI and machine learning comes into it, a bit like how your politics can be assumed from your browsing habits. In general it knows who you are if you have a gmail account, which is the biggest email sub group on the internet. I imagine it uses its Gmail data and extrapolates from there. I’m making educated guesses here but other data we get from Google Analytics does correlate well with our own data and other data sources. For example, I imagine none of us have explicitly told Google how old we are and yet their age profile up there does correlate quite well with our own data and indeed is, at this early stage, correlating reasonably well with the self reported data.

    Free Member

    For example, I imagine none of us have explicitly told Google how old we are

    I think everyone with a Google account has haven’t they?

    Full Member

    Harvesting data for what purpose?

    Free Member

    On the gender split data I have something to share to the group…

    Perhaps both are accurate? Women are far more likely to search for and read content than to be members and add to the forums’ content?

    Full Member

    took your survey, but if i try to look at it i get an error message – no such key So I’ve no idea if its gone through or not.

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