Good Stuff To Watch If You’ve Completed Netflix

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We’ve not done a video round up for a while, but maybe you’ve finished Netflix, or you’ve only got a cheap subscription and the kids are watching Frozen, again, so you’re twiddling your thumbs. Let us help you out with your viewing pleasure.

Gold Standard

If you get our Member Newsletter then you’re ahead of the curve here as we already told you about it there. If you’re a Singletrack Member, get yourself signed up for a monthly delivery of words and more into your inbox. Guaranteed to be intellectually stimulating, just like mountain bike videos with classical music soundtracks.


Shred it, flip it, pick it, lick it, roll it, flick it. Stylish riding that’s not to be sniffed at, or tried at home, from Kaos Seagrave.

Eastern Exposure

There’s more to life than just bikes. Here are some other wheels you might hurt yourself on if you try this at home.

Fifty Licks

Those not from round here can switch on the auto generated closed captions to remain mostly in the dark about what the two Joshes are talking about.

Like watching the Tour de France and then booking a holiday in Carcassonne, maybe after watching the Joshes you’re ready for a trip to the North of England? Let us help you plan your rides through the undulating terrain and dialects of this exotic land.

Mountain Biking, The Untold British Story

A whole film! You’ve seen it, surely, haven’t you? Watch it again and annoy your kids by saying things like ‘I’ve ridden there!’ and ‘I know him!’.

Thank You Downhill

As we all wait to see what the post Red-Bull era of World Cup cycling will hold, here’s a look back at the Red Bull DH years. Sorry, there’s no XC version to go with it – we did check!

Rob Warner Quotes Compilation

Rob Warner’s commentary has become synonymous with Downhill coverage over the years, so it will be interesting to see how the new commentary squad develops. We were going to include a compilation video, but then we decided there was probably more in there that shouldn’t be repeated than should. His ’colourful’ commentary is certainly a demonstration that Rob has undergone some serious media training/mouth filtering in recent years. Those who have seen a compilation may be surprised that all those words did indeed come out of Warner’s mouth, and for that, some will be glad to see a new generation stepping into the commentary booth. Others will probably head to Google. We warned you, OK?

Sam Pilgrim Rides Wooden Wheels

Will they last? I think we all know the answer to that.

The Mathematical Compromises in Suspension

In case your brain needs a little exercise, here’s another excellent but densely packed video from the Vorsprung folks.

Screw Threads

No, not fancy clothes for special occasions. Come along for a full, deep dive, engineering geek out of the first order.

Ribbon O’Dirt

Ah, a spot of poetry to wash the final remnants of Rob Warner from your synapses. Because you went looking, didn’t you?

OK, that’s your lot. Either go and check out actual live TV (gulp, does it still exist? Which zapper is that on, then?). If you want further diversions, this long running thread in the Forum might help you out. Why not share any gems you’ve found with us in the comments, or on the Forum thread?

Author Profile Picture
Hannah Dobson

Managing Editor

I came to Singletrack having decided there must be more to life than meetings. I like all bikes, but especially unusual ones. More than bikes, I like what bikes do. I think that they link people and places; that cycling creates a connection between us and our environment; bikes create communities; deliver freedom; bring joy; and improve fitness. They're environmentally friendly and create friendly environments. I try to write about all these things in the hope that others might discover the joy of bikes too.

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