Talking About: How Far Can Your Ebike Go?

by and 6

Mark and Hannah sit down to chat about the reasons why ‘How far can your ebike go?’ has no simple answer.

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Having discussed all that, we then got to wondering in the office – as batteries get smaller and more integrated, it’s becoming increasingly common that batteries aren’t easily removable. We wondered if that’s a problem for people who store their bike in a shed that doesn’t have power. Do you have to take your whole bike into the house? Run an extension lead across the garden? Is removable vs on bike battery charging going to become a key consideration when purchasing an ebike? Hmm… help us know how important removable batteries are to you by answering our poll:

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Hannah Dobson

Managing Editor

I came to Singletrack having decided there must be more to life than meetings. I like all bikes, but especially unusual ones. More than bikes, I like what bikes do. I think that they link people and places; that cycling creates a connection between us and our environment; bikes create communities; deliver freedom; bring joy; and improve fitness. They're environmentally friendly and create friendly environments. I try to write about all these things in the hope that others might discover the joy of bikes too.

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  • Talking About: How Far Can Your Ebike Go?
  • BadlyWiredDog
    Full Member

    Of course, thanks to Brexit, we are no longer slaves to the EU’s petty regulations, so – as with our hitherto throttled vacuum cleaners – we are free to remove these senseless, potential-shackling limits of lunacy and usher in an era of British-made, world-beating, UK-focussed, e-bikes. No longer hamstrung by these, artificial constraints, British e-bikers will zoom forward into a brighter, post-Brexit future driven by a new, dynamic e-bike industry etc.

    You read it here first.



    Full Member

    I don’t have an ebike but if I did it’d live in the house along with any other valuable bikes.

    Full Member

    I’ve got an E-Zesty with the removable Fazua system, I wouldn’t want a bike that didn’t come with a removable battery as it is impractical in my circumstances. As for how far can you go? That is the $6 million question.

    Full Member

    I’ve a Scott Genius 920, and on turbo(currently addicted to turbo) it tells me i get 41 miles, but that is urban riding. Over hill and down dale I think I’d probably get 30 on this highest setting.

    Bike lives in the hall. No way on earth I’d store it in a shed. There’s been far too many threads on here about bikes stolen from garages and sheds. Plus keeps it all warm and out of the damp.

    No wait… that’s UP hill and down dale. It’s me that’s over the hill :shock:

    Full Member

    Furthest I’ve got out of a charge on teal MTB terrain is about 70km on eco. Full fat trek rail.

    Removable battery is important to me, even though I tend to charge with the battery on the bike when at home.

    When I bought my trek, this wasn’t a consideration, but now I own the bike I think it’s a key feature.

    It is very useful when staying elsewhere when I might not be able to get power to the bike (e.g. b&b)

    Also the battery takes the bike over the weight limit for my bike rack, removable battery helped out when I had a battery failure (got one on loan from the shop while waiting for warranty)
    Or I could buy another battery to give me more uplift time on a big day out.

    Full Member

    Good video and very helpful in understanding the various power/watts/torque/etc gobbledygook. It’s probably in the handbook somewhere if you buy an e-bike, but maybe some info on the motor power, how it uses the battery’s reservoir of power and recommended cadence would be useful on the sales blurb.

    The 90 pedal revolutions per minute cadence that Mark mentions would not suit my style of MTB’ing. I like to push higher gears at slow rev’s and definitely do not feel comfortable “spinning” the pedals, probably due to the muscle make up in my legs, “fast twitch” vs “slow twitch”.

    Would luv to see a follow up to this with a bit more maths (sorry @stwhannah) with some real world examples of e-bikes.

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