singletrack issue 142 cover art

What’s Inside Singletrack World Issue 142? Out Today!

by 11

If you receive a printed copy of the magazine each issue, it’s now in the post – we can’t be sure exactly when it will land with you, especially with all the Bank Holidays, but if you’re in the UK and you’ve still not got it by 22nd April, please email us. If you’re outside the UK, it might take up to a month to make its way to you, across the sea and overland.

If you want to read the magazine online, or you join us today, you have other options too:

  • You can download a pdf of the magazine here. This is an exact copy of the printed magazine.
  • You can download an ePub version of the magazine. This is a more basic version of the magazine, with fewer pictures, that you can read in a variety of electronic book programmes, such as iBooks, or on an iPad.
  • You can download a Kindle version, for your Kindle. Like the ePub version, this is optimised for Kindles, so has all the words, but far fewer pictures.
  • Read the articles online. We’ll be publishing them over the next week or so, so look out for them popping up on the homepage, or check back here to see what’s new each day.

If you were already a member by 25th March 2022, you can also download the interactive mag from Pocketmags, which has all the same content as the web page versions, but with all the swipe and tap interactivity you get with an iPad or iPhone – which is what you need to read this version. We get charged for every download in this format, so you only get access to the versions created while you had an active membership – so if you want a back issue from before you joined us, try one of the other formats above.

Both the Pocketmags and online versions of our articles contain some extra features, like more images, plus some videos – but it doesn’t smell like our printed magazine, and it’s riskier to read it in the bath.

How will you read yours?

Inside Singletrack World Issue 142

Editorial: Gambling With Choices
Chipps ponders those moments where the path you choose makes all the difference.

UK Adventure: The Shugborough Inscription
Pete mixes fact, fantasy and pure speculation on a tour of Cannock Chase.

Classic Ride: The Other Peaks
Chipps takes on a tour around one of Yorkshire’s iconic Three Peaks with a couple of similarly iconic characters.

MTB Culture: A Seismic Event
Hannah Collingridge looks at the events scene and asks what bike races, bike gatherings and their organisers need to make them fun (again).

Kit Essentials: Flat Pedal Shoes
What makes a great flat pedal shoe, and who is delivering? Benji and the test team get pedalling.

UK Adventure: The Art Of Not Suffering
Sanny sets off to prove that bikepacking need not involve long periods of misery and discomfort.

Column: Mirror Mirror
Our cover artist, Anders, struggles to match aspiration to reality.

Bike Test: The Big Short
Benji ponders the meaning of ‘short’ as he rags these three not-long travel bikes round his local trails.

Singletrack Kitchen
Charlie serves up Chipps’ Stag Breakfast

Pete’s Pros: Rachel Atherton
Pete takes in laps and baby naps with Rachel Atherton on her home turf.

Interview: Going Downhill
Steve Chapman chats to the unassuming Pearces who have shaped UK downhill racing.

International Adventure: Costa Del Climb
Amanda goes on a beach holiday, turns her back to the sea and rides inland to find trails and adventure.

International Adventure: Nice To See You, To See You… Nice!
Tech-averse Sanny loses himself in the sun and dusty trails of Southern France.

Last Word: My Ride Pal
Hannah has found a new friend to ride with.

If you’re not already a member, join us today and all those stories you see above will be available to you to read, right now. You will also be able to access the pdf, ePub and Kindle copies of back issues. Memberships start at just £2.50 a month, or £20 a year.

We’d love to hear what your thought of the last issue of Singletrack World Magazine, including how you read it. We’ve got a short survey here so we can gather your feedback on Issue 141.

Don’t forget, whether you’re a member or not, you can enjoy our cover painting by Anders Engberg in all its beauty as a print. And if you think you might just want to buy this issue in print, it’s available to buy in our shop.

Author Profile Picture
Hannah Dobson

Managing Editor

I came to Singletrack having decided there must be more to life than meetings. I like all bikes, but especially unusual ones. More than bikes, I like what bikes do. I think that they link people and places; that cycling creates a connection between us and our environment; bikes create communities; deliver freedom; bring joy; and improve fitness. They're environmentally friendly and create friendly environments. I try to write about all these things in the hope that others might discover the joy of bikes too.

More posts from Hannah

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  • What’s Inside Singletrack World Issue 142? Out Today!
  • dirkpitt74
    Full Member

    Just read Pete’s adventure with the Nukeproof boys around Cannock/Shugborough – quite enjoyable.
    Nice to see someone extoling the non-trail-centre virtues of the Chase.
    Don’t suppose there’s a link to the route taken is there?

    Full Member

    I’m away from home so won’t get the paper mag for another week. Just went to download the pdf but issue 142 isn’t there.

    Is it just me not seeing it?

    Full Member

    Not seeing it either.

    Full Member

    Ok so I can’t find the pdf or epub so I had a look at pocketmag which seems to have it, but it looks like I have to pay for it again? Am I missing something?

    Full Member

    Hallo? Any advice on how to get Pocketmags working?

    Full Member

    @reeksy I’ve just asked folks in the UK to check it out. If your membership is all up to date with us you should just be able to download it, no fee. Pocketmags may need to press a button or two at their end I think.

    Full Member

    Issue 142 is now available via pdf download. Apologies for the delay we had an embargo. all sorted now tho. Any future queries please feel free to email and we will help out where we can.

    Full Member

    Hard copy thumped on the doormat this morning.

    I do not need a Flaremax. I barely ever ride my Mk1 Soul.

    I do not need a Flaremax….

    Full Member

    mag hasn’t hit the doormat yet and half the articles already seem to be on the website! ummmmmmm?

    Just saying ….

    Full Member

    Thanks @stwhannah I’ll keep checking back, but it still wants to take my money!!!

    Full Member

    @gary_biles the articles on the site are only visible to people with memberships, not the general public! It’s just another way to be able to read the mag.

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