Dieter Back From The Dead

Back From The Dead: Hand Cycle Restoration

by 3

It’s nearly a year since Dieter moved to Calderdale. This issue of Back From The Dead charts the path of finding new friends, new work, and new mechanical challenges. Yay, bikes! Since moving to Calderdale almost a year ago now I’ve seen, ridden and repaired an enormous amount of bikes. And while there has been plenty of weird and wonderful bikes go through the workshop there’s one (well three really, but we’ll get to that)…

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  • Back From The Dead: Hand Cycle Restoration
  • tthew
    Full Member

    That sounds like a brilliant cycling…

    well I was going to call it a club, but clearly its informal and inclusive nature makes it better than that.

    Full Member


    Full Member

    That was a lovely evening ride. And so very good of Neil to snap his frame at a spot with a nice view, perfect for a mid ride IPA or too.

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