We’d like our Instagram account back please

by 47

If you follow us on the socials you may already be wondering why we’ve been very quiet on Instagram recently. The reason is simple – on the 15th February a hacker managed to gain access, lock us out completely and then demand a ransom. It happened very quickly, with the hacker exploiting Instagram’s processes so that we never had a chance to block the changes they made to our account to lock us out. Hindsight is a wonderful thing, but we believe our relatively early entry into Instagram meant we hadn’t taken advantage of the business account settings, and that the sharing of a single ‘personal’ account between staff left us exposed, without two factor identification.

The hacker has our account now and has renamed it @alwayswinner50k – although they have emailed their ransom demands calling themselves ‘Lucifer Dark’. No hacker cliches there then.

Our account of @singletrackmag simply no longer exists and believe us when we say we’ve tried every avenue open to us to recover it, without any success to date.

We have reported the incident to the police who recognise it as a crime of theft and extortion – but that’s as far as that goes. The Cyber Crime department didn’t know that the ‘Account Preservation’ system for law enforcement exists, and told us they would not submit a request for us. We have also managed to speak to a few real people at Facebook Business Support, who while being sympathetic and almost obnoxiously polite still haven’t actually resolved the issue despite the hacker quite openly flaunting his possession of the account and the fact he’s stolen it RIGHT ON INSTAGRAM.

We are now six weeks down the line from the hack and are still waiting for a response/update from Instagram on the issue. Which is why we’ve activated another account @singletrackmagazine and are contemplating the Hobsons’ choice of simply starting again. We’d love it if you’d follow us on that account, although we are still hoping we might get our old account back at some point.

Whatever your personal view on social media audiences there’s no escaping the fact that for modern digital media all audiences on social platforms are important to a greater or lesser degree. We had built us a decent audience of 50k+ followers on Instagram and that allows us to create and promote our content. In short we miss it and we’d really like it back.

What can you do?

Well, before we bite the bullet and start rebuilding we wonder if you wouldn’t mind helping us bring this to Instagram’s attention by reporting the hacker’s account to them.

You can do this by navigating to the hackers account in the Instagram app or via the web here. Click the three … at the top right of the page and then select ‘Report’.

While we don’t have great expectations here we are hoping your help might cause some kind of escalation/reaction from Instagram that will resolve things one way or another. If it does then we’ll keep you updated.

Also, please consider a membership if you can – that really does help us immensely.

I guess one crumb of comfort is that so far it doesn’t seem possible to hack a printed magazine, although it’s a lot harder to correct spelling mistakes after you publish them.

Author Profile Picture
Mark Alker

Singletrack Owner/Publisher

What Mark doesn’t know about social media isn’t worth knowing and his ability to balance “The Stack” is bested only by his agility on a snowboard. Graphs are what gets his engine revving, at least they would if his car wasn’t electric, and data is what you’ll find him poring over in the office. Mark enjoys good whisky, sci-fi and the latest Apple gadget, he is also the best boss in the world (Yes, he is paying me to write this).

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  • We’d like our Instagram account back please
  • funkrodent
    Full Member

    What a complete and utter lowlife scumbag. Boils my blood.
    I’ve tried reporting it. Doesn’t give you the option of stolen or hacked account. Closest is impersonating I guess. That said to report that need the original Instagram name on your account.

    Hope you get it sorted!

    Full Member

    just tried to report it but the @singletrackmagazine account isn’t being recognised ?

    Full Member

    Any hints on reporting? When I click ‘Report Account’ > ‘Its pretending to be someone else’ > ‘a business or organisation’, I search for singletrackmagazine and nothing shows.

    Full Member

    scratch that, reported as someone I know rather than a business

    Full Member

    That’s disgraceful….so blatant and I cant see why this isn’t a simple decision for Instagram and return it to it rightful owner

    Happy to report account but to report as? Report account offers ‘content that shouldnt be on Instragram’ (…which sort of fit as ‘Intel. property violation’ or ‘Scam or fraud’ but they are not posting content) or ‘Its pretending to be someone else’ (Changed all the names so not really)?

    Free Member

    You can report it as ‘Posting content that shouldn’t be on Instagram’ and then ‘Scam/Fraud’. Not sure if that’s the best place to to report it, but that’s what I’ve done.

    Full Member

    You can report it as ‘Posting content that shouldn’t be on Instagram’ and then ‘Scam/Fraud’. Not sure if that’s the best place to to report it, but that’s what I’ve done.

    That’s what I’ve done, it’s probably more about the number of reports than the context.

    Full Member

    Just so annoying.
    I’ve done an awful lot of reporting recently.
    Seems that virtually every post you make gets jumped on by the ‘promote it on…’ spam crowd. 😡

    Full Member

    Reported. Can’t believe they can get away with being so brazen.

    Full Member


    Full Member

    Okay, thanks for the instructions above. Reported. Twice

    Full Member


    Full Member

    Reported. Couldn’t decide what avenue to go down so I’ve reported them once on each, that should at least help it stand out just from a volume perspective.

    Full Member

    Full Member
    scratch that, reported as someone I know rather than a business

    This is what I’ve done. Bloody scammers 🤬

    Full Member

    Guessing it’s been taken down now? Can’t see singletrackmag, just @’s to it and they link to blank page (user not found)

    Full Member

    @singletrackmag no longer exists. The hacker has changed the account name to @alwayswinner50k2

    Free Member

    The new name is better. I’m sure it’s a pain but the I’d favour starting again

    Full Member

    Has @alwayswinner50k2 gone now? Can’t find any sign of it

    Full Member

    The account seems to have disappeared.

    Full Member

    Well that’s the most ‘action’ we’ve seen so far on this entire issue.

    Full Member

    It does seem to have gone. But some poor pen seller is being held to ransom with exactly the same m.o. as @alwayswinner50k3 ☹️

    Full Member

    @alwayswinner50k2 has been taken down by the looks, couldnt find it when i searched.

    @alwayswinner50k3 was up, with the same message of ransom on an arts type business account, so i reported that instead, ****..

    Full Member

    Oh duh, I searched for alwaysAwinner 😐

    Full Member

    WTF? https://www.instagram.com/singletrackmag/

    Clearly not us so report away if you will – Many thanks

    Free Member

    Sounds like they are trying to block phoenix accounts.

    It also sounds like they are watching here….

    Full Member

    Yes, we are getting DMs from the new account. Fun and games

    Full Member

    Oh duh, I searched for alwaysAwinner 😐

    Yeah, it’s obviously nothing personal, searching alwayswinner2.. there are loads with the same little Dick’s profile message

    Full Member

    I’ve also reported the WhatsApp account linked to on the accounts they’ve stolen

    Full Member

    Looks like what has just happened is either the hacker has now deleted our old account, which then made it available again or Instagram deleted it – same outcome.

    Someone – One of our community (I’m talking to them right now) – very quickly registered the account, which is now empty.

    Full Member

    Have also reported a few of the other alwayswinner… accounts with the same profile message.

    You’d think sorting this kind of stuff out would be simple for the likes of Instagram, especially when it is so blatant.

    Have also turned on 2FA for my own account, not that it’d be worth hacking anyway – you’ll not extort much out of someone with 28 followers.

    edit – having read the above post, glad it looks like we may have won this battle and I’m sorry for reporting Singletrack Magnesium already.

    Full Member

    You’d think sorting this kind of stuff out would be simple for the likes of Instagram, especially when it is so blatant.

    Millions of accounts, probably only 100s of staff on customer service…

    Free Member

    Wow, the way Facebook/Instagram are behaving it’s almost like the only thing they care about is the money. Hard to believe I know…

    Full Member

    We have possession of the old account. less its followers and posts at the moment, but we will keep pushing for Instagram to restore those. In the meantime please follow our new account. If we get the old one restored we’ll request it be merged with our new one, but our experience so far doesn’t fill us with hope on that score.

    And thanks to Mr. Dave Anderson for 1) Jumping on the account as soon as it became available earlier and 2) for handing it over to us. Much appreciated :-)

    Now, we just need to get those 50k followers back :-)

    Free Member

    Well I’ve just set up 2fa on all my accounts now so cheers, I guess 😕

    Free Member

    Would like to be able to report it, but I’ve had my own Instagram account hacked and stolen, and so unable to. Frustrating experience, and despite all the jumping through hoops requested by ‘customer services’, it’s been all to no avail.
    Hacking ****s! Hope you get your account back.

    Full Member

    I had my Facebook account hacked in the same way and yes hindsight is such a great thing! Always put 2FA on all of your accounts, that is the lesson to take away from here!

    Full Member

    Does this mean that our accounts are in any way compromised / open to someone they shouldn’t be by this?

    Full Member

    No. There’s no risk to your accounts here. This was entirely an Instagram platform issue.

    Free Member

    Bummer. Thats the joy of utter dependrnce on Social Media and one company providing.

    I reckon its a raid by MumsNet ;)

    Free Member

    I’ll follow you later, got to find my login.

    Going to follow me back STW ?

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