Amaury Pierron

Amaury Pierron Issues Apology For Racist Content on his Instagram Story

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Amaury Pierron and Commencal 21 team manager, Charlie Julia Barthe have both issued an apology on their social media. This follows an Instagram story Charlie shared on Thursday showing Amaury’s hair with cornrows and overlaid with a caption many of their followers consider racist.

Amaury, admitted in his apology that he is in the public eye, and needs to be mindful of what he’s putting out there.

As one of the top downhill racers on the circuit, he’s recently returned from some bad injuries sustained in August 2020. Over the last few years, he’s firmly cemented himself as a consistent podium threat. In 2018 he won three rounds of the DH World Cup, narrowly missing a fourth, and took home the overall. In 2019, he again won three rounds but narrowly missed out on the overall to Loic Bruni.

This year he took third in Leogang before injuring himself at one of the French DH cup rounds last month. He was unable to race at the last round in Les Gets, and it’s not yet known if he will be fit for Maribor in a few weeks.

In the story, Charlie shared a picture of Amaury Pierron and his new cornrows with the caption “@amaurypierron4 next level of n****nation.” (Asterisks are our own although the screen grab of the post has obscured the full text) Amaury then shared this to his own story and added, “rap carrer in the making.” The story was set to N***a N***a N***a, a song by Bobnlarry, that has the letters of the title masked on Apple Music and Shazam although not on Spotify, YouTube or Instagram.

Amaury Pierron
Screengrab credit: Pinkbike

The pair have both said they were unaware of the implications and true meaning of the words featured in their posts in their apology.

In our recent Trail Rippers story, the young riders teach us the importance of calling people out on their actions.

Their apologies were posted via their Stories, which will expire after 24 hours, rather than as a static posts.

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  • Amaury Pierron Issues Apology For Content on his Instagram Story
  • matt_outandabout
    Full Member

    A fair apology IMO.

    I do wonder though how naïve you have to be to *not* know how offensive that word is, even with English as second language.

    Free Member

    It always amazes me when people post something like this then have to retract it. I mean, how dumb do you to be? How could he possibly think that was going to go OK?

    Free Member

    Not know how offensive the N-word is a bit of a stretch to believe… but then again most non french speaking people would use the word ‘Arab’ without realising how offensive it is in French.

    Free Member

    An EU Friend of mine that has English as one of their 2 second languages used it in front of me very recently, I was shocked but to them it was just an everyday word with no story or context behind the meaning.

    The crux of it can be that English and International English are two very different things even if as a native English speaker you think English is English. In a room full of foreigners speaking English it is probably the native English speaker that is least understood.

    Full Member

    I was working in New Zealand and a Kiwi colleague came out with the ‘N’ word. I quickly advised that she should not say that word when she travelled across to England – a trip she was planning. Different cultures, different understanding. I am pretty sure Kiwi shoe polish described a colour with that term, in France.

    Full Member

    As if being a downhilling radster wasn’t badass enough, he’s got cornrows as well. those guys are so edgy.

    Free Member

    Oh he just missed out by being a non african american calling his homies this all day long

    Free Member

    Amanda Batty nails this on insta.
    They were racist as ****.

    Free Member

    Bandwagon jumping young white woman who hasn’t realised anyone this would be pertinent to has never heard of her or him, more likely the reality is the only people concerned is the white folks trying not to look like closet racists.

    She gets a pat on back for trying.

    Full Member

    Isn’t he from Reunion island (French ruled island off the coast of Africa in the southern Indian ocean), while I still don’t really believe his apology, his upbringing could have been and probably was a very culturally different from France.

    Full Member

    It’s a bullshit apology from both of them posted on their stories so that it all disappears after 24 hours.

    Full Member

    Even without the language the whole thing is racist & dumb.

    Free Member

    It’s a bullshit apology from both of them posted on their stories so that it all disappears after 24 hours.

    They wish 😂

    Full Member

    Commencal have just disabled comments on their instagram account

    Free Member

    So long as rappers continue to use it in their songs you can’t complain when people sing along.

    Free Member

    Does everyone know how offensive ceetain terms and words are in different languages?

    The ‘K word’ will almost certainly land you in very hot water with any south African – except those that use it knowingly.

    ‘Boer’ is mildly offensive too – especially coming from an English person.

    Pierron has never struck me as a genius and he is a bit of a loose cannon. I can see how he could have listened to some records and thought it was just edgy and amusing. Whatever the French equivalent is of the n-word, he isn’t the kind of bloke who I think would use it. I hope not, anyway.

    Free Member

    So long as rappers continue to use it in their songs you can’t complain when people sing along.

    I think anyone with any intelligence has figured out the difference between one group of people using a term and another.

    Although this guy hasn’t;

    Free Member

    I think anyone with any intelligence has figured out the difference between one group of people using a term and another

    There is no difference remember. Either everybody gets to sing it or no one does.

    Free Member

    There is no difference remember. Either everybody gets to sing it or no one does.

    1) I’m not sure taking life lessons from a fictionalised/semi-biographical character is a good way through life. Otherwise we’re going to have to deal with all the crap Jesus said.

    2) He’s saying he finds it offensive.

    Much safer if you just refer to yourself as Honky or Cracker. You can do your bit to reclaim those from their offensive origins and neutralise them if you like?

    Free Member

    There is no difference remember. Either everybody gets to sing it or no one does.

    Definitely not how it works though if you are from a certain subset of the American population its a term of endearment

    If you are white and mention the word your immediately a racist , oh how very woke, god forbid you’re a white person singing along at a Kendrick lemar concert.

    we’re going to have to deal with all the crap Jesus said.

    Yet we still do have to deal with all the crap Jesus said, not to mention a whole host of other fictional religious deity’s.

    Free Member

    I’m not sure taking life lessons from a fictionalised/semi-biographical character is a good way through life. Otherwise we’re going to have to deal with all the crap Jesus said.

    Clearly missing the point of what is being said.

    Free Member

    Definitely not how it works though if you are from a certain subset of the American population its a term of endearment

    If you are white and mention the word your immediately a racist , oh how very woke, god forbid you’re a white person singing along at a Kendrick lemar concert.

    Steelbike – why are you so keen to normalise the use of an offensive racial slur?

    Free Member

    What would it have to do with you?

    I can answer that for you Nothing.

    Free Member

    And today it is the turn of the German green party leader to apologise for using the N word in a TV interview.

    Free Member

    What would it have to do with you?

    You’re commenting on a public forum. Pick up your toys and put them back in your pram.

    Free Member

    You can’t even be racist any more without people calling you racist. I remember when woke used to be called ‘political correctness gone mad’ – those were good times.

    Free Member

    You’re commenting on a public forum

    Wrong again, people being offended on others behalf still ,how novel.

    Free Member

    Seriously dude, your toys… all over the floor. What will yer mammy say when she gets back from the pub?

    Free Member

    So long as rappers continue to use it in their songs you can’t complain when people sing along.

    You do realise why musicians from a minority background want to take ownership of a pejorative term, right? You also understand why it’s not seemly for someone NOT from a minority background to appropriate said pejorative term, right?

    Wrong again, people being offended on others behalf still ,how novel.


    Free Member

    Have any sponsors said anything about this or are they hoping it will blow over?

    I get the feeling of this was a more mainstream sport he would have been dropped for this

    Full Member

    That mucoff statement makes no sense. He rides for commencal muc-off and they are remaining as title sponsors of the team. So what are they actually withdrawing? He will still be racing  with their logos all over him

    Full Member

    Yep I’m puzzled as to what it really amounts to, however, their actions in asking that Amaury undertakes a course to reflect on what he’s done is welcome.

    Full Member

    So what are they actually withdrawing?

    The guy who first put it on insta, is the team manager of commencal 21 (a different team to commencal mucoff), mucoff have withdrawn their support/funding of that team. They have also insisted that Pierron (commencal mucoff rider who shared the original story) do an awareness course

    Seems that now, anything regarding mucoff on social media now has a ‘tell us you are racist, without telling us you are racist’ section.

    Full Member

    Guessing it wasn’t viable to cancel their sponsorship of the factory team – depends on the terms of contract and cancellation clauses etc.
    Dropping the sponsorship of the satellite team was probably done due to it being the team manager that was being a dick.
    Also depends on what Amaury has do do after his course. Working with under privileged kids etc.

    Full Member
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