Making Up The Numbers Podcast -Emilie Siegenthaler, Becky Cook and Martha Gill

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We’re getting pretty deep into the offseason now & we wanted to try & shine a light on a few issues in the sport. The first show is about increasing participation from women, particularly when it comes to racing.

What role do national federations play? What about the brands – is it up to them to decide to spend their budgets differently? Which teams are leading the way – and which are dragging their feet? What about that reality TV show – is spending marketing money on content creation doing a disservice to the development of existing riders? Should teams be required to have at least one female rider?

We think you’ll be pretty shocked to hear some of the situations that female (and lesser funded male) pro riders face. Would you do your job for expenses only? Hmm…

Joining the discussion are Emilie Siegenthaler, Becky Cook & Martha Gill.

Credit: Boris Beyer

Credit: Brian Gerow

Credit: Andy Lloyd

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Previously on Making Up The Numbers Podcast

Season 2

Season 1

After taking a 17 year break from exercise, George rediscovered mountain bikes in 2008. Six years later, at 40 years of age he started racing Downhill and the following season somehow ended up on the Revolution Bike Park Race Team. As the other members of the team fought for podiums and National Series victories, George searched for mid-pack mediocrity. In a bit to add some value #makingupthenumbers was born; a blog about their race weekends and in particular life towards the back of the field.

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