Welcome to Day Four of our big Goodbye to 2020, Hello to 2021, Advent/Christmas/New Year Daily Countdown Giveaway. Today, as with every day in our GHACNYDCG, you have two chances to win. Let’s see what it is today.
Continental Tyres Package of RAD!
- Price: £300
- From: Continental UK

Today we have a prize that’ll instantly make you more rad. A pair of Black Chili-rubbered Continental Baron Pro tyres (in the modern size of your choice) along with tubeless fluid, tape and rim lube (yes, that’s a thing). And if that’s not enough to make you rad, there’s a Continental riding kit too – featuring a long sleeve trail jersy and a pair of tough, matching baggies to go with it.
How rad can you get with Continental Tyres? Why not ask Gee Atherton, who’s just been getting, well, about as rad as you can get on a pair of tyres (not that they were on the ground for long, but when they were, that grip mattered quite a lot…)
How do I enter?
Log in to reveal the entry form in this story and answer the question you’ll find there. The answer you seek will be in the video below.
Answering the daily question gives you two chances to win: you’ll be entered into the daily draw for that day’s prize; and you’ll also get one entry into the Megasack draw.
Every time you correctly answer a daily question and enter a daily draw, you get another entry into the Megasack. You can go back and enter the daily answers after that daily prize has been drawn, and it will still give you an extra entry into the Megasack draw.
Today’s Video
Enter Here
Have I won?
The winner of yesterday’s daily draw is: ‘acsevens‘ who wins the Stan’s NoTubes superbundle of gear.
Congratulations! Check your email! And give us a whoop in the comments below!
Keep entering every day to give yourself the greatest chance of winning the Megasack. We’ll announce the winner in 2021, once we’re finally clear of 2020.
Replies (24)
Comments Closed
Something weird is happening. When you click the GDPR agreement the answers disappear. I’ve only put the answer in once but it took three attempts!
Same, something’s not right.
Same again, how do you get round this, any ideas?
Entries are coming through fine regardless of the glitch.
Me three
same, had 2 emails saying ive entered, but i dont know if its actually registered a correct entry or not.
You will have a confirmation email that your entry was received too
Somehow I’ve now entered twice, that’s me done for at the first hurdle
First day that I have been sent a confirmation email?
This normal?
Same here. Yesterday and day before no e-mail received but one came today…
Everyone is ‘in’. Anyone who submitted and their answer disappeared is also ‘in’ (I’ve just added the answer to your entry for you). Also, anyone who submitted more than once, you are still ‘in’. I’ve deleted your duplicates and left you with a single entry with the right answer. All is good. You are fine 🙂
I turned on email notifications today. That may have helped with the submission glitch, but it’s all fine now and everyone is in the draw 🙂
Thank you very much appreciated,
Good luck everyone.
I’ve entered every day, but today is the first time I’ve had an email confirming entry. Is this something that’s just started, or did my first 3 not actually register?
Sorry, just seen the message above. Don’t mind me.
Who else plays ‘what’s the least I can watch the video and still find the answer’?
Come now. That’s not very respectful of the ‘talent’ now is it 😉
I’ve been setting the questions and making sure they are as obscure as possible and also not revealed too early in the video just to scupper the likes of you 🙂
Heh. 🙂
Where’s the edit at the end?
Missed opportunity with “greasing your rim” and closing comment “get in”
Woo hoo!!!! I never win anything. Haven’t had an email yet though…
No I’ve won….ah no I’m in…..
Super funky intro music?! 🙂
>> and also not revealed too early in the video just to scupper the likes of you <<
unless you expect this and play the last 30 secs first, no joy, then go back 1min etc etc. foolproof i tell ya
Apparently no one else got it