Evan Turpen High Pivot idler

Bike Nerd Bingo | Linkage Driven High Single Pivot Steel Full Suspension Prototype!

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We get a bit hot under the collar over this linkage driven high single pivot steel full suspension prototype – because that sentence is like bike nerd bingo. Oh my, what do we have here? It’s like all our nerd buttons are being pushed at once. Where shall we start? With the shiny steel aesthetics? The steam punk drive train? The what’s-going-on-there suspension platform? The beautiful mitres and construction process images? Choices choices. So much…

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Hannah Dobson

Managing Editor

I came to Singletrack having decided there must be more to life than meetings. I like all bikes, but especially unusual ones. More than bikes, I like what bikes do. I think that they link people and places; that cycling creates a connection between us and our environment; bikes create communities; deliver freedom; bring joy; and improve fitness. They're environmentally friendly and create friendly environments. I try to write about all these things in the hope that others might discover the joy of bikes too.

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