Singletrack Issue 126 | A Day In The Life Of.. Fort William World Cup

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A look behind the scenes of Fort William’s biggest weekend of the year. Words Samantha Saskia Dugon & Chipps Photography Samantha Saskia Dugon As with all great things in life, the smoother and more professional the outward appearance of a venue, event or personality, the more work has gone in behind the scenes to make it that way. This series lifts the veil from some of the iconic British mountain bike institutions, showing just some…

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Mark Alker

Singletrack Owner/Publisher

What Mark doesn’t know about social media isn’t worth knowing and his ability to balance “The Stack” is bested only by his agility on a snowboard. Graphs are what gets his engine revving, at least they would if his car wasn’t electric, and data is what you’ll find him poring over in the office. Mark enjoys good whisky, sci-fi and the latest Apple gadget, he is also the best boss in the world (Yes, he is paying me to write this).

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