Our very own racer of mediocrity, George Thompson, has started a brand new Downhill World Cup, Making Up The Numbers Podcast for the 2019 season in association with Hope Technology, Revolution Bike Park and us, Singletrack.
Welcome to the second episode of the Making Up The Numbers Podcast with George Thompson and with him in the studio once again, is Making Up The Numbers Team mate, Richard Binns.
Well, what a season we’re having in the DH World Cup and joining us in the studio tonight to talk about it, is the man who’s finished 31st and 27th at the last two rounds respectively, a veteran of the World Cup Downhill race scene, Mr Jack Reading.
Hit play on our podcast widget below and settle in for an hour of world cup chat.
Our Jack Reading Gallery
Who the blinking flip is George Thompson?
Helpfully, George himself has crafted this fine short video to explain.
Previously on Making Up The Numbers Podcast
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It’s always a joy to come across a good podcast.