The Most Shocking Bit About Yeti’s New SB150 29er Enduro Bike – Is The Colour!

by 7

If you’re looking for something big and fast, could this be what you’re looking for? We check out the latest bike from Yeti.

New shock position, new stance and new orangeyness!
Or ‘Too orangey for crows” orange?

Hot on the heels of the recent Yeti SB100 comes a longer-legged 29er in the shape of the SB150. As you’d guess from the name, it offers 150mm of rear travel (and a chunky 170mm up front) and from the travel, you’d guess that it’s probably going to be aimed at the world of enduro racing as well as the more traditional sport of ‘beating your mates’.

As Mr Michael said: “You gotta get up, to get down.”

The name also gives us reason to believe that Yeti is going to drop its previously confusing naming convention that gave us the SB5 (for the 5in travel 27in bike) and the similar SB5.5 (for the 5.5in 29er bike). After all, who measures rear travel in inches these days? So we have the SB100 now and the SB150. If the 27.5in bikes stick to inches, then that might keep them easier to distinguish.

Hannah threw the bike down some of our fun wide-open tracks.
How many of these will be at next year’s Ard Rock then?
Room for a waterbottle now. Enduroists and minmalists rejoice!

Anyway, we digress. So, what’s new with this new bike? The most obvious change from previous models is that the shock has changed anchor points from the middle of the downtube to much higher up the downtube. This (finally) allows room for a waterbottle and makes for a somehow more svelte-looking frame. While the SB100 hid its Switch Infinity twin tube gubbins within the frame, the SB150 has this pivot-point-altering mechanism on show.

The Switch Infinity is all on show. Oh, and no front mechs allowed here.
The stock top-end build comes with 800mm bars

The SB150 is unashamedly after the enduro crowd and you should expect to see Richie Rude on one very soon (or already…) The factory team did apparently have a lot of input into the frame, so we expect some pro touches here and there. Let’s get into some detail.

Fox 36 forks up front. Were you expecting anything else?

We hardly need to mention that the bike will be longer, lower and slacker than what’s come before and indeed it offers “longer reach, steeper seat angle and a slacker head angle combined with a shorter fork offset”

The frame happily accepts big rubber

“Our design intent was straight forward – we wanted a bike that smashed the downhills, felt spry on the climbs, and accommodated a water bottle in the main triangle. We checked all the boxes.” said Yeti president, Chris Conroy.

Chunky Yeti headbadge in case you forget.
On our brief test ride we found that it goes very, very quickly.
170mm fork up front, 150mm out back. That’s a long travel 29er.

In order to get the shock where it wanted, Yeti designed an intricate-looking new shock extender. It’s not just for show and it allows the suspension linkage to be fine tuned to Yeti’s satisfaction while also allowing the shock to be mounted where it’ll get minimal side loading. It’s also warrantied for a coil shock.

The clever shock mount thingy…
Piggyback Fox shock indicates some rough trails ahead, Captain.
Rolling and rock.
Do we call that bit a split-clevis? Or is there another name?
Proudly designed in Colorado. Proudly hand made in the Far East.
The SB150 has some very flowing lines.

And talking of warranties, the SB150 (and the SB100 and all bikes from here on…) now come with a Lifetime ‘no B.S.’ Warranty from Yeti.

There are other changes to Yeti range too. Today Yeti has also announced the updated SB6, SB5 and SB5 Beti.

The 27.5in wheeled SB6 now offers internally tubed cable routing for ease of maintenance and will be specced with a 170 mm fork with a shorter 37 mm offset.

Both the SB5 and SB5 Beti now run an updated rear triangle that allows 2.8in tyres both front and rear. The SB5 Beti will still be offered with a lighter shock tune, 170mm crank arms and a women’s-specific saddle.

…but a Press-Fit BB. Or have they sorted those out these days?
Concealed cables, rubber chain guard and chunky, replaceable derailleur hanger.
Is anyone else wondering whether that cable port will fill with water?
‘Normal’ Boost spacing
Back to the SB150. As you might expect the bike comes with a Boost 148mm rear end and, stubbornly, with a press-fit PF92 bottom bracket. New for this year is a bold new orange colour, which we think looks fantastic. O.G. Yeti turquoise is also an option.
Click to make bigger – unless you have really good eyesight.

The bikes will be available to order from today, with UK pricing is as follows:

T-Series (Turq Series – Yeti’s top-end carbon frame material).

  • SB150 Frame Only – £3,499.00
  • SB150 X01 Bike (Pictured and ridden here) – £7,199.00

C-Series (Regular, non-premium carbon layup, adds about 200g)

  • SB150 GX Bike – SRP £4,999.00

For more details or to find your nearest dealer, head to:

The new bikes should be in the UK very soon.


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Chipps Chippendale

Singletrackworld's Editor At Large

With 23 years as Editor of Singletrack World Magazine, Chipps is the longest-running mountain bike magazine editor in the world. He started in the bike trade in 1990 and became a full time mountain bike journalist at the start of 1994. Over the last 30 years as a bike writer and photographer, he has seen mountain bike culture flourish, strengthen and diversify and bike technology go from rigid steel frames to fully suspended carbon fibre (and sometimes back to rigid steel as well.)

More posts from Chipps

Replies (7)

    I keep looking at it thinking ‘Are my eyes broken?’ But no, the shock is still definitely mounted to the down tube!

    Where are you meant to ride this in the UK?

    I don’t understand the obsession with the waterbottle, they have created a complete linkage which can’t be as stiff as directly mounting the shock to the frame just for a waterbottle

    One small niggle I can see (from owning an SB6) is you have to keep on top of maintenance on the Switch Infinity unit. It’s normally fairly easy to pump grease in but on the new bike they seem to have blocked access to one of the grease ports so you have to unbolt the rear to get at it for routine maintenance it seems.

    “they have created a complete linkage which can’t be as stiff as directly mounting the shock to the frame just for a waterbottle”

    Having seen how burly this frame is, I don’t think losing a bit of stiffness in the linkage area is a concern….

    Not only the colour is truly shocking but the p tag to go with

    The bike costs 7 grand and the most surprising thing is the colour? Come on……….

    7 grand is entry level these days. At least on these pages.

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