Hope Pre Peaks – 70km of cake-fuelled cheeriness through the Dales

by 6

The weather was wild and wooly. Despite a threat of sunshine, we mostly got mist.

It wasn’t a surprise to the weather pessimists among us that the one day you need clear, calm weather to go and enjoy 85km around the Yorkshire Dales, you get the tail end of a tropical storm, with all-day mizzle and winds. However, that didn’t seem to have put off the hundreds of riders who turned up for the second Hope Pre Peaks event in Barnoldswick on Sunday. If you’re going to get up at 4am to head to an event you entered months ago, then you’re probably going to go anyway, whatever the weather.

Riders could set off any time between 7.30 and 9am. Some elected to wait as long as possible.

Aimed as both a training/taster for the Three Peaks Cyclocross race, it was also an excuse to ride 70 or 85km of wonderfully well-marked bridleways from Hope Technology’s base in Barnoldswick into the beautiful Yorkshire Dales. The weather, meanwhile, had other plans and early reports from the course talked of poor visibility on the tops of the extended extra loop and the decision was made to cancel the longer loop and get everyone to ride the 70km loop. While riders were initially disappointed at the news, once out on the course, the wisdom was clear.

‘Go easy’ was the main instruction at the rider briefing.

Up on the first climb, it was clear that the dust of the summer was gone, to be replaced by slippery muddy puddles and wet rock. Given that everyone was suited up and prepared for the weather, no one seemed to mind and everyone seemed very cheerful, despite the conditions.

The first climb set the tone for the day.
Despite all the puddles, there was a lot of cheery resignation at the weather. It is what it is.

After 25km or so, we got to the first feed stop. Hope had made a point of saying that its feed stations weren’t like normal feed stations – and they were right. While there was a water top-up and some bananas for the speedy riders, outside the village hall, inside there was fresh tea and coffee and a huge selection of amazing cakes. This derailed many riders’ plans for a quick stop as they filled up and then went back for seconds…


Wide angle cake lens was not wide enough for all of the cake!
Actual real coffee at the coffee stop.

The mix of bikes was interesting to see. Apart from the usual jokers on fat bikes and downhill bikes, the field seemed pretty evenly split between cyclocross bikes and mountain bikes, and the course rewarded each bikes’ strengths, with long sections of road, and later, canals to flatter the ‘cross bikes and then a few tasty descents (and some tough, limestone climbs) for the mountain bikes.

Food, drinks, mechanics on hand and loos. Not a bad first stop. (And the second had cheese sandwiches too!)
There was a touch of cyclocross mincing going on on the trickier wet descents.

The whole 70km course was very comprehensively marked out, at – and after – every junction and punctuated every couple of miles by a cheery marshal – often a Hope employee – to mark a gate or a road junction and to give you a bit more encouragement. There was a real sense of achievement as we rolled back in to the finish – the course was tough, whatever bike you were on. And even after the big hills were left behind, you couldn’t let your guard down – and one rider found that a cramped-solid leg led to an unavoidable swan dive into the canal, only to be rescued by Ian Weatherill, the owner of Hope, himself.

Despite the weather, the early start and the non-dusty conditions, everyone finished with a medal and a goody bag and a vow to return next year to try themselves against a tough old day out. There was hot food and coffee – and even Hope factory tours on offer. A great end to a great day. We’ll (all) be back!

Chipps Chippendale

Singletrackworld's Editor At Large

With 23 years as Editor of Singletrack World Magazine, Chipps is the longest-running mountain bike magazine editor in the world. He started in the bike trade in 1990 and became a full time mountain bike journalist at the start of 1994. Over the last 30 years as a bike writer and photographer, he has seen mountain bike culture flourish, strengthen and diversify and bike technology go from rigid steel frames to fully suspended carbon fibre (and sometimes back to rigid steel as well.)

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Comments (6)

    One of the best events I’ve been too! Had to fight my natural instinct to stock up on Swiss roll and flap jack.

    And the macaroons! :-)

    Really enjoyed the event. The weather added an extra level to the riding, lots of slip sliding about the place. And considering how popular the Three Peaks CX has become and tricky to get an entry, this will be on my calendar next year.

    Annual event for me now this one. Taking a bag for life for the feed stops next time! Didn’t see the macaroons :(

    Great event, loved it. Fantasticly well organised. #ardrock in case you are wondering, that is how to run a marathon.

    If you live in the south & want something similar, try Flan Rou. About 100k on lanes & drove roads on the Somerset Levels. Sounds like a doddle doesn’t it? Definitely isn’t. The farmers “repair” their drove roads with assorted builders rubble (riding skinny tyres over bits of broken toilet bowl was a new experience!) & the dozen’ish hills, tho short, are brutal – the event takes place a few miles from Glastonbury Tor so google that to get an idea. Great fun & very welcoming but don’t expect to see much of the locals after the first couple of km, they train on that stuff & are depressingly quick!

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