There aren’t many brands where us women get to make the men envious. Usually us women find ourselves looking from the eight different pairs of men’s shorts, 12 jerseys in three colour choices each, all with matching socks, to the women’s option of one pair of shorts and two jerseys, in a choice of, well, you can probably guess the colours.
FINDRA however has been different. There has been a lovely array of women’s clothes that almost seem too good to ride bikes in, all in a grown up selection of colours. We’ve reviewed a number of their items before, and they’ve lived on past reviews – being worn time and time again, because we like them, and they last. Wil has been seen wearing one of the nice soft neck warmers – because necks are definitely a unisex fit – but otherwise us women have been happily swanning around making the boys jealous of our lovely luxe threads.
Yup, the men are now in on the treat. FINDRA has started making clothes for men too. Apparently there were so many men asking for it, they simply had to.

Alex Feechan, founder of FINDRA, explains:
‘It was a surprise to receive so many requests for menswear after the launch of our womenswear range. FINDRA had always been designed with the needs of women in mind, so we were intrigued to hear that many men felt that the same problems with the wider sportswear offering applied to menswear too, with shapeless, unstylish garments available that could only be worn whilst exercising.’
Trying to look on the positive side, at least it means the men will smell nicer, in their stink free merino.

First in on the act is the – always fragrant – Tom Hill of this parish, who has been doing a spot of modelling for the occasion. Rugged but soft and stroke-able, the new gear (you thought we were talking about Tom, admit it) looks to follow the same design ethos as the women’s range, though presumably with a few lump and bump accommodating bulges in different places between the two.
If you want some of this soft and stylish action, then the new men’s range is available from here. And of course, FINDRA was previously nominated for a Singletrack Readers’ Award for its online service, so you know you’re in good hands.

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