Fort William 2017: Video Log Day Five (Race Day)

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The last in our series of Video Logs from the 2017 Fort William Downhill World Cup brings you all the action from race day at this iconic event. With the camera passed between all of the Singletrack team, we give you a behind the scenes look at what goes down on race day at a downhill World Cup. The team takes a mooch around the finish area and pits at Fort William, and Ross catches up with riders as they cross the finish line after their final runs.

The energy coming from the crowds in the grandstand and around the finish area when riders plummet to cross the line is insane, and we can only imagine what it feels like to be one of those riders heading down the hill towards an arena such as this one. After spending 4 days up in the highlands, and being immersed in such a crammed event full with energetic fans, it seems that some of that madness may have rubbed off on the Singletrack Crew. Take a peak at the video below to see just why this round of the UCI World Cup, is considered one of the best!

To keep up to date with our Behind The Scenes coverage from us all here at Singletrack Magazine, head to our YouTube channel, and click subscribe for plenty more content coming your way very soon.