If you got all pumped by Fabio Wibmer’s Urban Freeride Lives last week, but it left you wondering what stepping stones can inch you toward such riding godhood, don’t despair. You’ve got to get the basics first, and that’s not just wheelies, endos, bunny hops and manuals. Phil Kmetz runs through eight tricks you can practice on your bike almost anywhere:
(No video? Here’s a link).
We all have that one trick we’ve been meaning to learn or get significantly better at, but we tend not to. Why is that? Are we scared that passers by will gather to point and laugh, “HAR HAR you’re rubbish”? Are we just conditioned that adults should never loiter in a car park or on a piece of wasteland practicing a bike trick? Are English people only allowed to mess around on land they own? Do we just have too many places to go and things to do? Whatever the reason, and while not all tricks are useful on the trails, we’d probably all benefit from a bit more time spent just messing around.