Spotted: Swarf Cycles Prototype

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Adrian at Swarf Cycles is keeping quiet on the details, but there’s been a steady stream of clues over on the Swarf Instagram feed, and he’s clearly up to something. More specifically, that something he’s up to seems to be a full-sus 29er…and of course, being a Swarf, it’s made from steel. Interested? We certainly are.

Let’s follow that trail of breadcrumbs…

First up, there was an earlier prototype, way back last summer…

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I'm riding my 29er prototype this week in Scotland, so far so good. Well pleased with how it rides! #29er #prototype #testing #highlands #scotland

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…but testing seems to have revealed some niggles. Which is the point of a prototype, surely? Discover issues before you start selling them? Whatever the niggles were discovered in the first prototype, that sent Adrian back at the drawing board in September…

Looking at the two frames, the suspension design changed significantly. Instead of a link driving the rear shock, the new prototype is employing a rocker link. It’s still a single pivot, but the arrangement is quite different. At this stage he was talking 120mm rear travel, but wait until we get further down this tale. Next, there was a delivery of bounce…

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Just received some nice kit from our friends over at @canecreekusa , the dbcoilIL is an exciting shock and it looks amazing too…. I'd better get on with my 29er FS developments! #canecreek #dbcoilil #dbinline #29er #fullsuspension #development #design

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And then shiny bits of CNC’d loveliness started appearing:

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Made a start this morning on more bits for these full suspension 29er prototypes, I'm really excited about this frame! #impatient #wantitdonenow #onestepatatime

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And then shiny bits got joined to bouncy bits…

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Excitement levels rising! @canecreekusa shocks on the prototype linkages…. #CCDBcoilIL #CCDBInline #canecreek #29er #project #shorttravel

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And then lots of bits got joined together into things that look suspiciously like two bikes.

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Full suss progress #29er #shorttravel #prototype

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Now, he’s not letting on all the details until he’s happy he’s got things right. He has however told us the geometry is based on the Spline hardtail (much loved by our Barney). And there are a few clues in the comments on these Instagram posts – 115mm rear travel, 130mm up front.

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Large 630tt, 67HA, 75.5SA -45mm BB, 445mm CS, 465 Reach, 115mm rear travel, 130mm fork #whopper #itsgonnaabsolutelyfly @d2a2v2e #dancinglikeaduck

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And what about all the other numbers? 67° head angle, 445mm chainstay, 465mm reach (on a large) as seen here. But will the final model have these numbers? Do we need to know, or are we content to just gaze at them, drooling gently?

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Mine is a small/med mixup, 595 top tube. Both frames weigh around 7Lbs excluding shock

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It’s almost too good to paint, right? Then all that prettiness got rather spoiled by some electrical tape, while Adrian tried to figure out the cable routing.

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Figuring out cable runs, these final details always take way longer than expected!

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Sorted! And looking good…

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Large 29er proto ready to ride! #hugerims #29er #spotthecat #friday #job

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Oh golly gosh, be still our beating hearts. Behold, actual moving pictures.

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Nice action! #squish #shorttravel #prototype #canecreek #dbinline @canecreekusa

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Let’s take another look at that linkage. Compared to the first prototype, the new frame doesn’t have a solid one-piece swingarm. Instead, the seatstay assembly is designed to flex throughout the length of the tube as the rocker link compresses the rear shock.

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The time figuring out the cables runs was time well spent #tidy

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There’s short video of a prototype in action too. Are any of you sharp eyed enough to sport whether this has that DB Inline or DB Coil shock on it?

Purely from the colour, we’re guessing that bike had the DB Inline air shock, because this turquoise (Petrol? Azure? Hebridean Sea?) beauty clearly has the DB Coil fitted.

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Built up the second 29er fs prototype today… I'm going to be trying out various different shocks starting out with the @canecreekusa dbcoilIL. First ride tomorrow!

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And there the trail runs cold. Though we’re sure there’ll be more on Adrian’s Instagram feed soon, so if this has whet your appetite as much as ours, give him a follow – or check back with us because we’ll bring you more information just as soon as Adrian is prepared to tell us more…

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Hannah Dobson

Managing Editor

I came to Singletrack having decided there must be more to life than meetings. I like all bikes, but especially unusual ones. More than bikes, I like what bikes do. I think that they link people and places; that cycling creates a connection between us and our environment; bikes create communities; deliver freedom; bring joy; and improve fitness. They're environmentally friendly and create friendly environments. I try to write about all these things in the hope that others might discover the joy of bikes too.

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