Interbike 2016: Fabric’s Pudgy Portable Pumps

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What happens when you combine Fabric’s trademark aesthetic with the need to push large volumes of air?  You get a couple of handsome portable pumps that can no longer be described as mini.

Business card provided for scale
Business card provided for scale

Looking like a stylish law enforcement accessory or future cattle convincer, the Z250 measures an impressive 400mm long closed- and in the neighborhood of 700mm extended.  At this size the Z250 is probably best thought of as a compact track pump replacement than a carry-along piece.  That handsome wood handle houses a flexible hose and should make relatively quick work of plus-sized and even fat tyres.

Short but still substantial
Short but still substantial

With an oversized body and normal head, the Mountain Pump has the look of a tool that has been hitting the gym- while consuming Internet muscle-building supplements.  As with the Z250, the Mountain Pump’s size translates to massive air-moving potential- handy again for those trendy plus tyres.  The head itself sits on a flexible hose to keep tear-inducing valve breakages to a minimum.

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