Wacky Tech Corner: Patchnride permanent flat fix

by 10

Fix punctures… without removing your wheel?

Patchnride: all one word, all one tool
Patchnride: all one word, all one tool

We, friends, are living in an age of boundless innovation.  One in which any invention has a shot at production and world-changing success.  Where brilliant and not-so-brilliant products alike can quickly and easily find a market.  Thank you Internet.

Today we bring you Patchnride.  A slick little package, Patchnride inserts an adhesive patch through the hole in a punctured tyre.  If the slickly-produced video is to believed, simply inflating the tube locates the patch between tyre and tube, permanently fixing the flat.  A little stem remains to indicate correct use (and partially fill the tyre hole).

Here's how it works.
Here’s how it works.

Currently limited to tubed tyres and tubulars, there doesn’t seem to be any obvious reason for Patchnride not to work (comments in 3, 2, 1…).  The $25 (£15) pre-order price (half off retail!) includes one tool, two “patch pods,” and a pair of wipes that spread bubbly liquid over the tyre to help locate punctures.  If nothing else, the ability to repair flats without removing the wheel will be especially appealing to the maintenance-averse, commuters, and heavily-laden utility cyclists.  Mountain bikers shouldn’t feel left out: a tubeless-compatible version is on its way- something we’d genuinely be keen to try.


Comments (10)

    No good for pinch flats I guess?

    Nice idea, but…

    That needle’s pretty chunky… what if there is no hole to speak of, as you would get with hawthorn for instance?

    Also, presumably not much use on pinch flats where you’d have to go in through the sidewall…

    I never knew tossing was bad for the environment. I feel I may have been responsible for global warming thanks to my teenage years.

    My son-in-law (RAC patrolman) has been using something similar on car/van tyres for at lease a couple of years now. Surprised it took so long to come to the bike world.

    Slick advert, well presented, a lot of work on the detail, quite a few takes to get it just right. Why is he wearing his courier bag strap the wrong way round.

    Do you know what that product is called? It’d be interesting to look into for mountain use- especially if it works on tubeless tyres (as on cars & vans).

    The RAC and AA tend to use the Holts stuff (or similar). It is not considered a permanent repair, more of a ‘get you home’ fix – some car manufacturers (Mini) put a can of it in the boot instead of an actual spare wheel.

    I believe, unless things have changed, once you’ve used it the tyre becomes un-repairable in the usual way and must be replaced.

    Mountain bikers shouldn’t feel left out: a tubeless-compatible version is on its way- something we’d genuinely be keen to try.

    You can already fix MTB tubeless without removing the wheel/tyre I’ve been doing it for years with the Weldtite and Panaracer kits…..

    I’ve been doing it for years on tubeless with a dab of superglue :)

    surely we mainly get pinch flats and that will do nothing for them
    Nice idea but I bet it is less than 100% successful in the real world

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