Midweek Mini Movies 120

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Here’s our helping hand to get you over the hump of the week; yup, a lunchtime buffet of video goings on that will leave you pleasantly full rather than disgustingly bloated.

Vaujany – The French Alps

See the Rose Vaujany downhill team playing, er training, on its home turf in the French Alps. Not to be watched if you’re offended by blue skies and dusty trails.

FINALS Red Bull Rampage 2012 – Highest level of Mountain Biking

Did you miss the Red Bull Rampage the other week? Here’s a summary of the gnar. Sweet, sweet senders.


And here’s a video from MADProductions in Madeira, who decided to organise a jump contest ending in the sea.

Summit to Sea Sept 2012

And talking of the sea, here’s a video of Altitude Adventures’ ‘Summit to Sea’ trip – four days of riding from the Pyrenean mountains to the Med. Contains many Ibis Mojo HDs for some reason.


Jake Hood- Sweet Protection, Alpine Bikes

Glentress from a different angle, courtesy of Sweet Protection and Calum Darling.

This Is Peaty – Chiang Mai, Thailand Helmet Cam

Steve Peat has headed out to Thailand for the sixth episode of ThisIsPeaty – here’s a little teaser of the race he took part in while there. We’d like a nice jungle downhill course somewhere nearby…


Uk Bike Skills – Video Blog 17

Tony ‘Jedi’ Doyle takes a look back at some of his coaching work from previous weeks and then takes to the woodwork himself.

Alex Coleborn-Total BMX Bike Company

We suggest you wear a hat to watch this video featuring Alex Coleborn, ‘cos it’ll blow your mind into tiny little bits that’ll get stuck in the keyboard and put your co-workers off their Greggs pasties. Quite a lot of insanely complex variations…

Catch the Ice Dude

German jumps into frozen pond. We think there’s swearing, but it’s hard to tell among the comedy – if you can’t laugh at yourself, then who can you laugh at, eh?

How a Bicycle is Made (1945)

The world of bicycle manufacture has moved on a fair bit since 1945. Here’s an amazing timewarp of a film from the British Council looking at how Raleigh bikes were made back when Britain was the hub of bicycle manufacture. Once you’ve finished chuckling at the RP voiceover and scene setting, it’s fascinating to see how labour intensive the work is – and how little Health and Safety regulation there was. Stacks of forks in an open furnace? No worries. All day with one had covered in enamel? It’ll be fine.

Health And Safety At Work

We couldn’t show you one without the other. Here’s Vic and Bob with some Health and Safety tips…

Thanks to everyone that send in suggestions this week, the address is newsdesk@singletrackworld.com if you’ve seen or made anything you reckon should be up here….

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