Midweek Mini Movies 119

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Welcome to our weekly helping of moving picture entertainment. Some guys in Washington State invent the mountain riding bike, man jumps from a balloon, two Scotsmen walk into a velodrome – and a load more visual stimulus for you this lunchtime…

When Sir Chris Hoy met Danny MacAskill

We’ll start this week off with a Tale of Two Scotsmen: the world’s fastest ex-BMX rider and gold medal collector Sir Chris Hoy and trials/street riding line-blurrer Danny MacAskill. What better idea than the get these two sons of Scotland together and spin them round the velodrome that’s been made for the Glasglow 2014 Commonwealth Games – and named after one of them? It’s really rather good watching two people at the peak of their respective sports rub along together…


,zam Mongolia

Freerider Richard Gasperotti, a film crew, a van and what seems like a lot of bottles of vodka travel 15,000km from Poland to the less explored bits of Mongolia in this ‘lifestyle documentary’. It’s a biggy but well worth watching. Just be aware you may start coming up with ideas to hop in your estate car and go copy him – if you do, write us an article on how you get on…

Jon Television – Roles Reversed

It’s a hard life being a videographer. Go to exotic locations, seek out the best looking trails – and then sit in a bush and get eaten by the local wildlife while someone has all the fun of riding. Well, Jon Bokrantz has had enough and has decided to take a break from making other people look good and hit the trails himself. As a side note, Sweden looks like it’s mostly made from brilliant riding..

Moab Trip

The gentlemen of Norco decide to head from their Canadian lair across the border to Moab for a testing trip on their new bikes. Two main things come out of this video: firstly Moab looks like it’s a kill or cure for fear of exposure and secondly, a Bonnie Tyler power ballad makes an amazing riding soundtrack. It almost feels like a montage…

Trials Biking on a Tower

Red Bull’s Kenny Belaey heads to the iconic Nagoya TV tower in Japan to show off some skills at serious altitude, inbetween talking about his career, the youth of today and his inspirations to keep riding…

Red Bull Stratos

If you were living in a hole and missed this, then quick recap: man goes in balloon to edge of space, jumps out, avoids a bit of death, breaks sound barrier, lands.


Klunking 2

If you’ve missed the idea of klunkers, then let us introduce you to the modern day wild men taking on wilderness trails armed with nothing but 800mm wide bars, the revolutionary 26″ knobbly tyred wheels and geometry inspired by the towpath cruising ‘MTBs’ of yesteryear. Transition basically make the best videos out there.

Thanks to everyone that sent in suggestions this week – if you’ve seen or made anything, then fire it over to newsdesk@singletrackworld.com

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