TransWales Express

by 1

Day 7: Brecon – Builth Wells
Distance: 55km
Climbing: 1,446m ascent
Special Stage: 2km Lap

Following on from the appearance of a ping pong ball sized lump in my thigh yesterday, I found last night’s slumber interrupted by a persistent nose bleed. As a result, medical advice prevented me from getting in the saddle today to finish the last leg of the 2010 Gore Bike Trans Wales.

While I have been grateful to have been spared from the toil of the previous two days, I would much rather have crossed the finishing line on two wheels as opposed to four. To reach the end in such a manner is a disappointing anticlimax to what had been a challenging, demanding and thoroughly enjoyable week.

To anyone who is considering entering an event such as this, I would strongly encourage you to do so.

On a personal level, I have met countless new friends, shared my agony and ecstasy with people who were complete strangers to me only a week ago and found potential riding buddies. I have a full spectrum of memories to look back on, ranging from the sublime to the ridiculous, all of which serve to bring a smile to my face.

The event itself is a well oiled machine. With first rate catering, onsite and on route paramedics, an onsite mechanic, a massage crew and professional photography among the services on offer to all riders, the Trans Wales makes for a fantastic all-round experience.

I would however suggest that you put in much more training than we did. To ride 60km a day, incorporating some seriously steep climbs, rocky and technical trails, demanding singletrack and adrenaline pumping sections, requires a certain level of fitness.

Give it a few weeks and I think I may start thinking about what I could have done better and what I might work on for next year – unfinished business I think.

Williams Thoughts: “Not the best ending – maybe next year”

Comments (1)

    Well done lads, especially Will. When i spoke to him before the event he reckoned he would last 2 days! Once again well done. Seriously thinking of giving it a go next year. Will buy you boys a pint each when i see you next ;-)

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