Fresh Goods

by 22

From: Biciklo
Price: £17.50

Biciklo is “The comprehensive guide to cycling tours around the world.” The book is compiled by David Houghton, the man behind the Tour d’Afrique book we had on here a while back. The website contains details on over 7,000 cycling tours worldwide so you’ll be sure to find one of interest.

Kinesis Maxlight XC Pro 3
From: Upgrade Bikes
Price: £449.99

This is a new, race ready frame from Kinesis. The welded gusset has gone, replaced by a Square section, SPF [Superplastic Formed] down tube. The carbon wishbone has a smoother, slimmer profile and a new layup. Hydroformed chainstays.

Reynolds MTN T Wheel Set
From: Upgrade Bikes
Price: £949.99

At a quoted 1385 grams per set, these carbon wheels are super light and look pretty sleek. They are for glue-on (tubular) tyres so Chippshas been given the task of getting them sorted in the next few days.

M:m:Part Star Nuts
From: Madison

We’re running a 100mm travel, race styled fork group test in the next issue of Singletrack. As we were short of star fangled nuts, Madison jumped in to help us out.

Straitline Silent Guide
From: HotLines
Price: £119.99

These chain guides are designed to be extremely light with a claimed 195grams total weight, rugged and maintenance free. And you get a free sticker!

Blackspire NSX C4 Chain Tensioner
From: Hotlines
Price: £99.99

The NSX C4 is a freeride / Dirt Jump styled guide made with a Thermoplastic C plate and polycarbonate bashring. Available in black, white, blue, red, pink and green.

Shimano SLX 10Speed Chain
From: Madison
Price: £29.99

It’s not only a chain, but it’s a 10 speed chain.

Shimano SLX 10-Speed Cassette
From: Madison
Price: £49.99

No point having a 10 speed chain if you don’t have a 10 speed cassette. (We have all the other bits of the SLX 10spd gruppo but you get the idea now…)

Gore Bike Alp X GT Pants
From: Gore
Price: £119.99

These are lightweight, waterproof and breathable rain pants with a 3/4 length to offer you protection against the weather while keeping your knees warm.

Gore Ap X Jacket
From: Gore
Price: £199.99

This jacket is light and well vented making it perfect for summer riding, but it’s also waterproof just in case the summer decides to turn cloudy. Benji’s been trying it out for a few days but hasn’t put the waterproof claim to test yet.

Panaracer Cedric Gracia Tyre
From: Zyro
Price: £39.99

These 4x/ All Mountain styled tyres are 2.35 wide with unusual “soft on the insisde, hard on the outside” dual compound.

AirAce Infinity Floor Pump
From: Fisher Outdoor
Price: £69.99

Another week, another track pump turns up. It inflates tyres and looks very sleek.

Squirt Sweatsucker (and Matt’s new haircut and beard trim)
From: Squirtlube
Price: £9.95

Squirt say the “Sweatsucker is a unique sweatband that keeps sweat out of the eyes and off protective eyewear. It stays cool and works continually, even when saturated.”

Rockford Fosgate Punch Plug Earphones
From: America!
Price: $99

Chipps got these, not yet available in the UK, Rockford Fosgate, bass-boosting, music pumping earphones and he couldn’t help but show them off to the rest of us. The hat’s new too – custom knitted by Laura Bontrager.

Singletrack 2010 Jersey Designs

We’ve been umming and ahhing with some designs for a new Singletrack jersey. Here’s just a sample of the ones we’ve been contemplating.

Lapierre X-Control 410
Price: £2399.99

100mm rear travel with a 120mm travel fork this Lapierre is in for test in Issue 59 of the magazine. “With 100mm of rear travel and our patented FPS2 rear suspension platform, the X-Control is the perfect companion for all types of cross country riding: competition, marathon, trail or epic rides.”

Psst..! Lapierre & Evans Cycles Offer For Premier Users
Evans Cycles have come up with a rather spiffing deal for our lovely Premier Users – a 20% discount on two great Lapierre mountain bikes. The 2010 Lapierre Zesty 214 and the Lapierre X-Control 310.

Nukeproof bars and stem have been fitted to the Lapierre X-Control to bring out the fun side of the bike’s character…

Nukeproof Warhead 760mm Riser Bar (20mm rise)
Price: £44.99
Nukeproof Warhead Stem (50mm)
Price: £49.99

Replies (22)

    New top designs

    HATE the stars and stripes design, you’re from the north not north america!

    LIKE the orange check and the grey with the reverse out text

    Got my XC Pro 3 already – build last night:

    Nice 🙂

    For the singletrack shirt design can you do something understated, none of that euro-lariness, please.

    Is that Matt from Goldie Looking Chain??

    ^^ what ruminant said

    Yep i won’t buy any loud jerseys either, definately don’t wanna look like Captain America from Marvel comics.

    I’ll third the checker jersey.

    orange check jersey here to

    Stars and stripes….Just because, obviously

    The stars & stripes looks good. Lairy, but good. However, I’m far more likely to buy something a little more understated.

    The black & orange looks too much like a Conti jersey to me.

    It looks like you are starting a Twin Six jersey fanboiclub there fellas. Very much their style.

    Nice beard trim….

    Orange jersey here as well please..

    that squirt sweatsucker thing looks crap, even on Matt

    [Obligatory “How Much” post]

    £70 for a track pump! Are you having a laugh?

    [/Obligatory “How Much” post]

    The far right jersey design (with the chequered pockets) is well nice.

    “Nukeproof bars (760mm) and stem (50mm) have been fitted to the Lapierre X-Control to bring out the fun side of the bike’s character…”
    Why? Could you not test the bike as it was designed? It kind of defeats the point in getting the bike in to review if you’re going to stick components designed for the complete opposite end of the ‘MTB spectrum’ on it, especially such ride altering components as these?

    Haven’t nukeproof bars/stem been reviewed (on more appropriate bikes) in the mag before?
    Its crying out for some eggbeaters or SPDs (IMO of course)

    £10 for a sweatband? Surely some mistake?

    Stars and Stripes here, quite Evel Knievel-esque

    Liking the twin six inspired jersey designs – whatever, please don’t make it black/grey/dark colours like every other bit of mundane MTB clothing.

    Use some colours!

    The sweatsucker is designed to be worn with a helmet,not without so its going to look crap even on someone as handsome as Matt.Although i agree some Buff styling would do it wonders its designed to be function over fashion.
    £10 for a sweatband i agree although it isnt just a bit of towling,this actually works and allows alot of bikers who struggle to wear glasses when they ride due to sweat the abilty too.

    Why oh why do people keep putting the pocket on the back? What’s the point. They are useless once you have you rugsac on the back and they just spoil the line of the jersey.
    I am not fond of the yank-like jersey but I quite like the orange and grey one.

    loving the stars and stipes it looks so Evil Knievel!

    Hooray to Juan…

    I only wear pocket jerseys on a ROAD BIKE, and I doubt whether the majority of ST readers ride XC so fiercely that they forego a Camelbak.

    I vote an ‘All Mountain’ cut.

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