What happens when you get some of the best riders in the country together and point them at your local trails? Stu from MTBCut has managed to round up trials wünderkid Danny Macaskill, DH racers Rowan Sorrell, Joe Barnes, Aimee Dix and a host of others and got them to give their perspective on trail riding.
This is the first installment.
Big thanks to Mojo Suspension for making this happen.
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thanks for that; top entertainment!
will definnitely look up Lee Quarry when next oooop nerth, looks like a great skills area. As for that mmbop trail, I’ll bet it’s a hell of a lot steeper in real life than it looks on the video, I’d love to give it a blast but I suspect I’d come off worse!
Great stuff – I was secretly hoping that Danny would be a bit rubbish on the trail. Ah well. I guess a good bike handler is a good bike handler.
top work stu well entertaining! Good reminder of the variety and awesomeness of uk riding – I’m going for a scoot – NOW!
fantastic effort guys ! now you know wot good ‘hard gnarly’ trails us dudes in the calder valley have to ride !
Cracking video, makes you want to get out and ride.
really really good film.
Ed and guys and gals great vid but Ed walking the stepping stones! C,mon 😉
Fantastic film. Cant wait for the next one.
Love the the riding of the stepping stones!
Great to see pro’s talking highly of the mecca that is Habbers. Shabba!
Snow testing
Hebbers not Habbers
Great to see some proper natural trails ont internet,and its a credit to Orange mountainbikes that no long travel bikes were used in the film.
That nan bield decent to Haweswater is much steeper than it looks,although all the riders made it look so smooth and quick!
This is a great example of the all-rounder,do it all bike, the orange five has evolved into.
That Danny macaskill bloke looks quite handy on it too.
oh man. I want to move to hebden bridge! those trails were dream like.
Bloody brilliant that… More of this!
Thanks for the positive feedback guys… it was great fun to shoot…. Part 2 coming soon, it better than that one!!
Cheers…. Stu
brilliant film, just makes me feel such a mincer as I wouldn’t try half of that on my 5
That was ace, thanks. Looking forward to more!
Great riders on my local trails, delighted to see Danny dabbing on um bop’s second switchback (i nailed that once!) think i’ll go and jump off some car park roofs now :o)
Ace as ace can be
Right. The mudguards are coming off my ‘cross bike now. I liked that.
Nice! Makes me miss the UK!
well i really enjoyed that,a few pear ciders helped.allways wanted to try the lake district
Yes, nice vid, BUT one as to ask whether it’s OK to publicize trails that are at best very sensitive. Furthermore, whether it’s OK to do this to promote products? I refer to the Calderdale trails shown and referred to by the riders in this vid. By all means ride them, but for goodness sake don’t go and pimp the heck out of them.
Ed, as one local to another I think it’s your duty to ask for this vid to be removed or remove reference to the trails in question.
Anyone know what the white bike is on the rack at 4.01 (with Pikes)?