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  • Wii Indiana Jones game – connectivity issues?
  • Christowkid
    Free Member

    Hi All,
    We've just got the Lego Indiana Jones game for our kids for Xmas and currently it's the only game we've got.
    They've had good fun with it, but every so often the hand controls seem to need re-sync'ing. They use the remote with the nunchuk fitted. It seems like the nunchuck is being held down, so the character runs to the edge of the screen and stays there. To get it going again they press the red button in the battery compartment to re-sync it and then it's ok for a while.

    Any ideas?
    Have checked out the wii site but nothing seems to help.
    Not sure if it's a glitch in the game or with the remote/nunchuk thingie.
    ( here I confess to never playing it, so am novice at it all! )
    They have used the Wiifit for a while and all ok, it's just shown up on this game.
    any thoughts would be much appreciated

    Free Member

    Not sure im much help, but i have lego indi and have never had any problems with it or the nunchuk.

    try resyncing the nunchuks without the game in?

    try loaning a friends wiimote/nunchuk and try it with that, or loan yours to friends to see if they have similar issues on different games (fwiw, on wiifit i dont recall coming across anything that requires you to hold the directional controls on the nunchuk like you would need to in lego indi).

    im inclined to think it would more likely be a problem with the nunchuk or the wiimote than the game.

    Free Member

    Dodgy connection between the nunchuk and the controller?

    Free Member

    Mr. Whacky: Thanks, at least I know that someone else isn't having problems with the game.
    Have realised a neighbour has just got a Wii so trying the game out on theirs is a sensible option.

    Goan: it's happening on 2 controller/nunchuk's so loose connnection unlikely.

    Since posting this, have read on-line instructions regarding infra red interference ( fire on, sunshine through windows ) currently grey here so that's the sunlight sorted!
    But…we have tinsel around the tv in fit of festiveness, and realised the tinsel might be encroaching ( just ) on the ends of the sensor bar. Have just moved bar forward and pushed away reflective tinsel….. so far so good!
    thanks for your thoughts
    will keep an eye on it, and scrounge a cuppa over next door's!

    Full Member

    Might not be related but just double check that when you switch the game on your kids fingers are nowhere near the joystick on the nunchcuk. They recalibrate themselves as the game loads and assume the position the joystick is in is the centre. I was pratting around with mine (playing Lego Indy II) while thegame was loading. Once running the characters kept moving if the joystick was in neutral. Switched the game off and went back in and all was fine.

    Free Member

    stumpyjon: Yep will check that too

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