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  • What relationship do you want out of Europe?
  • teamhurtmore
    Free Member

    There are at some level non-racist discussions about the level of immigration, agreed.

    Yes and they point in one direction – it has a positive not a negative impact on UK economy. No one has provided any research to prove the opposite, the best attempt was the BoE study that concluded that in a specific case the impact on wages was small.

    Free Member

    @ IGM – I mentioned them because I know the areas reasonably, and IMO the pretty diametrically opposed result strongly challenges the ‘areas with greater exposure to immigrantion voted remain’ narrative.

    I suspect that age only really made a significant difference in the big university towns, and as for “people with wealth and skills have less to fear” I think you could easily paint that a different way and say that “people with wealth and skills were more likely to be swayed by the economic arguments against Brexit as they had more to lose” whereas those without had less/nothing to lose, so in fact it was them who had less to fear from voting for change.

    Free Member

    I take it i’m the only one who’s all for ‘ever closer union’? I’d quite like a single European federal state along the lines of how the US is organised. I suspect I won’t get it tho!

    Free Member

    it has a positive not a negative impact on UK economy

    But not necessarily on individuals or communities.

    Free Member

    Ewan, i would be happy with that too, But it will be more like Russia as that’s the model they seem to be using, watch the above vids for more info, i voted leave and it WASN’T anything to do with immigration! or racism! it was to do with Self governance and democratic determination.

    Full Member

    Ewan – I’d quite like it. And I wasn’t bothered particularly about the model that we were using to get there. It wouldn’t have been sustained in the end game anyway. That said I can live with an individual states with open borders too.
    The real problem was that because we didn’t turn up to the elections we got UKIP MEPs which made us a joke in Europe.

    Full Member

    Slough is a low income manufacturing area, working class if you like. 10 years ago there were lots of Asian shops, now there are Polish shops too. Windsor is posh – after all the Queen live there sometimes.

    There has always been a strong Polish connection in this area as lots of Free Polish settled here after WW2 rather than go home and be killed.

    Free Member

    Slough is a low income manufacturing area, working class if you like. 10 years ago there were lots of Asian shops, now there are Polish shops too. Windsor is posh – after all the Queen live there sometimes.

    No it isn’t.

    Residents in full time work in Slough earn on average £528.60 per week (gross) compared to
    £567.00 in the south east and £520.80 in Great Britain

    So richer than average then. Albeit poorer than average in the SE which could lead to that perception I guess.

    Lots of stats to back up my ascertain here – generally doing better than most of the UK, so presumably middle class….

    Free Member

    “Yes and they point in one direction – it has a positive not a negative impact on UK economy.”

    Yup, ‘cos houses full of people are undeniably better for the economy than fields.

    However, people don’t want the new houses and are happy to take the economic hit of not having them.

    Its like you putting a market stall in my back garden without asking me and being incredulous that I’m not happy because its bringing in cash.

    The UK has had a gutful of growth.

    People can understand that argument on a larger scale, everyone accepts that quadrupling the population would be bad even though the economy would be four times bigger. Why it gets difficult to comprehend when the numbers are smaller is beyond me.

    Free Member

    “Right, so you’re not opposed to restrictions on free movement
    It’s just an argument over where you draw that line.”

    This. 100pc this.

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