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  • Stem length theory / advice
  • rosscopeco
    Free Member

    Just looking for some advice / experience from the hive on stem length theory.

    I’m currently riding a medium Solaris with Reba’s at 110mm with a 60mm stem on 716mm fleegle bars (no more thumbs / wrists).

    I’ve been fettling with things to see if I can find ‘the perfect’ set up.

    I originally ran a 90mm stem but on a whim and out of curiosity put a 60mm on and it. To my utter surprise the bike instantly seemed to be a better climber whilst seated on slow / steep / techy climbs. Less prone to the front end wandering and more rear grip.

    I then moved the saddle forward (to increase the seat post angle) and have found this again made a big difference. However…the steering now seems a good bit more twitchy than before. I’ve had 2 or three ‘moments’ over the last couple of weeks when in a seated position and doing relatively slow techy stuff the front wheel almost seemed to want to fold under me…it’s kind of unnerved me a bit when it comes to faster carving turns (although I’d probably be standing on the pedals so less of an issue in terms of my weight distribution) it’s got me back thinking about sticking the old longer stem back on….so….am I just chasing my tail?

    What’s the theory on stem length?

    Free Member

    More shorterer= Amplificated raditude.

    Free Member

    2-3 movements in a couple of weeks isnt really enough. Most doctors would recomend 1 good movement a day. This WILL improve your riding and your general feeling of wellbeing.

    Free Member

    Try different length stems, don’t fiddle around with other stuff at the same time, otherwise you’ll never know what changes are affecting what.

    Free Member

    I’ve had 2 or three ‘moments’ over the last couple of weeks when in a seated position and doing relatively slow techy stuff

    stand up?

    Free Member

    when in a seated position and doing relatively slow techy stuff

    Rider error – what are you doing sitting down?

    EDIT: too slow

    Full Member

    You sounded happier before moving the saddle forwards, so have you tried moving it back to where it was? Or even somewhere between where it was / is now?

    Full Member

    in a seated position and doing relatively slow techy stuff

    Seriously, don’t do this! Stand up!

    Free Member

    ok, this is just a guess.

    but fleegles you say?

    i’ve got those on one of my bikes, they’ve got quite a bend backwards. And it might just be me, but they feel like they make the stem feel effectively shorter.

    if i’m roughly right on that, fitting fleegles onto a short stem is going to lead to some degree of steering oddness…

    oh and yes, stand up for the bumpy/twisty/techy/fun stuff*.

    (*apart from wheelies…)

    Free Member

    I originally ran a 90mm stem but on a whim and out of curiosity put a 60mm on and it. To my utter surprise the bike instantly seemed to be a better climber whilst seated on slow / steep / techy climbs. Less prone to the front end wandering and more rear grip.

    That’s pretty odd.

    You can’t get more front end grip, and more rear end grip at the same time.

    Moving the stem back shifts your weight backwards, so the front end will feel more light, and need you to push further forward to get the same level of grip. The back end will have more grip, as your weight is further back.

    Full Member

    Moving the stem back shifts your weight backwards, so the front end will feel more light

    Only if you have no elbow joints!

    Full Member

    I don’t know if this stem comparison site would be any use.

    It works out the differences in height and reach for you.

    Free Member


    Agreed until I compared my old flatbar to the feegle earlier tonight and it’s actually a fraction forward from the flatbar so it’s not that!


    Again, I totally agree but I swear this is what happened. My only thought was that my weight is more centred on the whole bike and it just seems to work better as an overall package.

    Anyway, I’ve dropped my Rebas back to 100mm from 110mm so we’ll see how that goes.

    Re standing up more often….fair shout I suppose. I’m just being picky and always looking for the perfect set up.

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